With targeted media leaks, the US takes aim at Israel

What reasonable interest does someone in the Pentagon have in hardening the Iranian pharaoh’s heart on the eve of Passover, and indicating to him that he has nothing to fear? This borders on insanity.
At the height of the U.S.-Israel honeymoon, officials in Washington embarked on a puzzling and stinging diplomatic maneuver against Israel over the latter’s purported plans to attack Iran’s nuclear program. These were not verbal single shots, but rather a sustained attack using machine-gun bursts and cluster bombs.
First, there were claims that an Israeli attack on Iran would delay production of a nuclear bomb by only half a year, and would result in the deaths of 200 Americans. Not that the number is insignificant, but how many Americans have died in hopeless U.S. military initiatives that were doomed to failure from the get-go in the past few years?
Someone in the U.S. disclosed that Israel has air force bases in Azerbaijan, a claim which Israel has denied and which, whether it’s true or not, is considered secret information. On Thursday, Amir Oren of Haaretz, apparently basing his information on reliable American sources, added that Israel had agreed to postpone an attack on Iran until 2013. Assuming that this is true, where did that come from?