* Stolen Valor - douche bags can continue bragging of their false heroism
* AZ immigration 3/4 strike down, Obama admin picks and chooses which laws to impose, punishes AZ with lawlessness
And finally...
ObamaCare stands, mandate re-framed as tax. This should be called the "you are still alive tax".
Cradle to death tax system will work as follows:
a. You are alive, taxed under Obama-Care
b. You are employed, taxed under IRS, state income, medicare... etc
c. You are a job creator, you pay more taxes on employing people
d. You pay taxes, you need a real accountant to make any sense of it all - or you are the guy in the government in charge of IRS, and you use cheap software and avoid paying your dues
e. You die, the government wants your death-tax

Now everyone join an Obama rally and yell together "Four more years! Four more years!", what?! No one is shouting that? I hear crickets.

Roberts, a GW-Bush nominee - the vote that gave Obama his big win.