Disclosure, I was a co-blogger on Zip, and considered myself a friend to the founder. I was kicked after a few times I posted incorrect information mistakenly. It sucked, and now I see much less traffic. Oh well, it's fine by me now - I always did this as a hobby - and my life is busy enough as is.
Now there's a cataclysm between Robert Spencer, Geller, and Zip:
It appears Zip emailed the following to Spencer regarding Geller:
What's it like being a smart guy playing second-fiddle to an illiterate attention whore?
Which resulted in a broad accusation of abandonment of the cause by a vast right wing conspiracy:
It's interesting that Pamella was also the one who started the falling out with LGF, which then descended into Johnson falling off a rational cliff - turning from a reasonable right wing thought blog, to loony pro "global warming" and slander little shitty site.
I would note that the heat observed here is very personal.
To sum up my thoughts on the subject:
- Jihad-Watch is an important site, it's too bad it finds itself deep inside blog-wars on the right. Most, if not all on this political isle are fervently opposed to Jihadism domestically and abroad
- Pamella does a lot of thorough good work, yet sometimes goes off the edge. She makes mistakes and broad base accusations, and never backs down. Together with Robert, in the past - they aligned with suspicious European groups, never have they acknowledged it to be a mistake
- Zip is a catch-all blog trying to scoop and sensationalize with a wide readership. I suspect this situation will hurt the site. Though it seems the gods of technology are doing their part...
- I would hope that each will keep to his own self imposed non-paying job and continue doing this voluntary good work which they know and like
- I think some people live for these kind of moments: War! War! War! Not me.
- PS: Interesting that bloggers think Geller is toxic, yet Fox News can host her at Hannity's show?
- PPS: If Fox is supposedly fighting to keep Geller off the map, how come she gets an audience at Hannity?
- Final thought: I guess the worst kind of "political blogging", is the kind that is all "me... me... me...", he said this, he said that. Yea a blog is a personal thing, but it sounds too whiny.