I think people confuse winning a debate with winning a 'talking trash' competition. Yep, Obama won the 'I'm a condescending prick' issue with his 'horses and bayonets' remark. He also won the 'saying not true' the most times, and the 'the 80-s called back, they want the...' race. But what idea did he push out there that won? Which undecided last leaf on an autumn tree did he pick? Did he sway those who have already decided against him?
To be sure, I can see how the MSNBC crowd thinks Obama won. They are raving lunatics who see racists in everyone who disagree with them. In short, they are hateful morons. To them a victory is something that resembles an MSNBC evening show; shout matches, bullying, name calling, spreading lies and talking points, belittling, zinging, talking over, incivility, disrespect, childish behavior, and ... well ... plain stupidity praised as elevated thought.
So I'll give the MSNBC guys their participation trophy. For you numb-nuts, Obama is a winner. Savor in that notion and keep living in your pink and purple cloud. You can "win" that way as ofter as you like as far as I'm concerned. I just want the lying douche in chief who was responsible for the last 4 horrible years out. That will be the only "win" that counts.