Monday, December 19, 2011
Kim Jong ill dead! The Taiwanese animated brief
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Video: To Newt, or not to Newt - Beck asks: Are You a Progressive?
Ethanol, healthcare, progressivism, proclaiming being a "Roosevelt Republican".... Is Newt trying to fool conservatives - or was he just misunderstood?

Yea, I'll take Newt over Obama any day - especially in light of yesterday's "I believe in communism in so many words" speech.

Yea, I'll take Newt over Obama any day - especially in light of yesterday's "I believe in communism in so many words" speech.
Why USA going bankrupt: Quarter-Billion Taxpayer Dollars Spent on Penis Pumps
He said penis.... huh... huh-huh...
Between this and how medicare is still spent on erectile-dysfunction medication, you know we are witnessing Cloward and Piven plan in action on a national scale.
Quarter-Billion Taxpayer Dollars Spent on Penis Pumps
Frances Fox-Piven, an unrelenting anti-USA revolutionary.

Between this and how medicare is still spent on erectile-dysfunction medication, you know we are witnessing Cloward and Piven plan in action on a national scale.
Quarter-Billion Taxpayer Dollars Spent on Penis Pumps

According to data collected by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Medicare has spent more than $240 million of taxpayer money on penis pumps for elderly men over the past decade, and will surpass a quarter of a billion dollars this year for costs since 2001.
The cost to taxpayers for the pumps more than quadrupled during that period, from a low of $11 million in 2001 to a high of more than $47 million in 2010. And these represent only the costs for external devices, technically classified as “Male Vacuum Erection Systems,” not implantable devices or oral drugs such as Viagra.
Frances Fox-Piven, an unrelenting anti-USA revolutionary.

Monday, December 5, 2011
Smart Power: Obama makes Navy purchase 450,000 gallons of biofuel at 8 times price of oil
I wonder which direct friend of Obama got a big pay-off to see this happen.
Navy’s Big Biofuel Bet: 450,000 Gallons at 8 Times the Price of Oil

Smells like corruption, but what do I know, it's probably just as clean and fresh as the Stimulus and the financial reform which allowed Corozine to rob his customers 1.2 billions Dollars. Culture of unabashed publicly displayed corruption. HOPE!
Navy’s Big Biofuel Bet: 450,000 Gallons at 8 Times the Price of Oil

The Navy just signed deals to buy 450,000 gallons of biofuels — arguably the biggest purchase of its kind in U.S. government history. The purchase is a significant step for Navy Secretary Ray Mabus’ plans to transform the service into an energy efficient fleet. But at nearly $1,100 per barrel — eight times the price of traditional fuel — the new fuels won’t come cheap.
The $12 million purchase, expected for months, will all be used this summer, off the the coast of Hawaii. There, supersonic F/A-18 jets will launch from the deck of an aircraft carrier, powered by fuels fermented from algae. A 9,000-ton destroyer and a cruiser will join it on a voyage across the Pacific, using fuel made from fats and greases. (The carrier itself runs on nuclear power.) It’ll be the first demonstration of the so-called “Great Green Fleet” — an entire aircraft carrier strike group, relying on alternative energy sources.
If it works, the Green Fleet will not only be poised for a full alt-fuel deployment in 2016. Mabus will be much closer to his promise of obtaining half of the Navy’s fuel from alternative sources by 2020. And the often-struggling biofuels industry will be a lot closer to proving its viability.
Smells like corruption, but what do I know, it's probably just as clean and fresh as the Stimulus and the financial reform which allowed Corozine to rob his customers 1.2 billions Dollars. Culture of unabashed publicly displayed corruption. HOPE!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Ron Paul 2nd in Iowa Polls?!
Dear Lord! Americans, come to your senses. Crazy uncle Paul would be a disaster and you know it. The one candidate to assure Obama's second term. (or world blown up - if somehow he gets through)
Iowa Poll: Gingrich leads GOP pack, then Paul, Romney
Iowa Poll: Gingrich leads GOP pack, then Paul, Romney

With the dizzying fall of Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich has stepped into the breach and now stands alone as the most popular GOP presidential candidate in The Des Moines Register’s new Iowa Poll.
Gingrich, with support of 25 percent of likely Republican caucusgoers, is seven points ahead of the rising Ron Paul, who’s at 18 percent. Mitt Romney drops to third, at 16percent, denting his previously armor-plated Iowa polling average. Romney’s support stood at 22 percent last month.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
UNESCO reapponits Syria to Human Rights Committee
The farce that is the UN would have been a hilarious joke if wasn't all real, true and have the horrible effect it has on perpetuating human misery through out the world. The UN, very much a waste of US tax money.
UNESCO Blasted for Reappointing Syria to Committee Dealing With Human Rights
UNESCO Blasted for Reappointing Syria to Committee Dealing With Human Rights
Already reeling from a recent U.S. funding freeze over its decision to admit “Palestine,” the United Nations cultural agency UNESCO is facing new criticism over a decision to reappoint Syria to a committee dealing with human rights.
Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime was recently reappointed to the Committee on Conventions and Recommendations, a subsidiary body of the U.N. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization’s executive board.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
DC: HIV tests, in the DMV, free and get paid for it too
Come get your driving license and while you wait, find out if your life is ruined.
D.C. DMV Office Offers Free HIV Test
hell hole socialized paradise.
D.C. DMV Office Offers Free HIV Test
At one Department of Motor Vehicles’ office in the nation’s capital, motorists can get a driver’s license, temporary tags and something wholly unrelated to the road: a free HIV test.What a
In a city with one of the highest percentages of residents living with HIV or AIDS, health officials have now test-driven the in-DMV testing and are finding that it works. So far, more than 5,000 people have been screened and gotten results while they wait.
Now officials are expanding the program, offering testing at an office where Washington residents register for food stamps, Medicaid and other government assistance. On Monday, the first day of the program, 60 people got tested, officials said. As an incentive they’re being offered a $5 gift card to a local grocery store.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
#OWS are simply expressing inner city pressure...
And communism, but I think Flight of the Concords were kind of seeing the future - the dumb-asses want a revolution.
Humor aside, all warnings of gushing anti-semitism are coming into fruition. Spooky times, all constructed to have the bottom rise, so that the top can come down - and that's the point, we should all fear.
* "Avenue Jew" Subway Sign Defaced With Anti-Semitic Graffiti

* Nazi, Anti-Semitic Vandalism In Jewish Brooklyn Neighborhood Investigated As Hate Crime
Yep, those Nazis are an integral part of OWS.
Humor aside, all warnings of gushing anti-semitism are coming into fruition. Spooky times, all constructed to have the bottom rise, so that the top can come down - and that's the point, we should all fear.
* "Avenue Jew" Subway Sign Defaced With Anti-Semitic Graffiti

* Nazi, Anti-Semitic Vandalism In Jewish Brooklyn Neighborhood Investigated As Hate Crime
Yep, those Nazis are an integral part of OWS.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Cain's campaign, is that toast I smell?
I must say - I wasn't a fan before, he kept giving me that 'I don't know what I'm talking about' vibe. I really wanted to like him. That being said, the chance of him being elected really spooked whoever financed and orchestrated that sexual harassment smear campaign. (Err, what's Exelrode's role in Facebook again?)
Cain Appears Flustered When Asked About Libya
Cain Appears Flustered When Asked About Libya
Herman Cain appeared flustered when asked during an interview Monday about his views on the Obama administration’s support of the Libyan uprising.
When asked his thoughts on the president’s policy during an interview with the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, he leaned back and appeared to search for an answer: “O.K., Libya.”
“President Obama supported the uprising, correct? President Obama called for the removal of Qaddafi — just want to make sure we’re talking about the same thing before I say ‘Yes, I agree,’ or ‘No, I didn’t agree.’ ”
Then, Mr. Cain said he disagrees with the president’s approach “for the following reasons.”
“Nope, that’s a different one,” he said. “I gotta go back and see.”
“I’ve got all this stuff twirling around in my head,” he said.
J.D. Gordon, Cain’s spokesman and national security adviser, said Mr. Cain was asked the question toward the end of a 45-minute session amid a long day of traveling.
“We were all going on four hours’ sleep, so he was tired,” Mr. Gordon said. “When he got the Libya question, it took him a while to get his bearings on it, but he got the answer right.”
Mr. Gordon said Mr. Cain has been spending anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours a day boning up on national security issues, including conversations with some ambassadors. He also said he has spoken to former President George H.W. Bush and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
“It’s frankly just a lot of stuff to know in a little bit of time,” he said.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Newt's Ascendancy
Sometimes you just want a guy who won't stutter, and could make a point clearly and precisely. I think we might have found our guy. And oh, yea - he can take either Bachman or Cain as VP - both would be an asset for an election. Just my impression.
The polls concur: Newt is the new GOP it. Among top 3 as of last week.
Or as Rush Limbaugh would put it, Newt is the new "Not Romney".
The polls concur: Newt is the new GOP it. Among top 3 as of last week.
Or as Rush Limbaugh would put it, Newt is the new "Not Romney".
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Merry Obama Christmas Tree Tax
If you can spell it, Obama will tax it.
Obama Couldn’t Wait: His New Christmas Tree Tax

President Obama’s Agriculture Department today announced that it will impose a new 15-cent charge on all fresh Christmas trees—the Christmas Tree Tax—to support a new Federal program to improve the image and marketing of Christmas trees.
Someone felt the heat and canceled the tax and the promotion. However while doing so they made the following claims:
* The tax was on tree growers, not on customers. (err... so - who ends up paying the tax? Some PR guy failed economy 101 on this item)
* The tree growers really wanted the promotion and are now angry with conservatives for making a big hoopla. (well then, I guess now that the government doesn't get to do a promotion, no one will buy trees, right?)
* It wasn't the White House who initialized the idea. (Because, you know - it's not the White House who bares responsibility to what the executive branch does... oh wait)
* "Completely False and Inaccurate", except for everything written and said which is 100% true...
If this was oh so false, I wonder how it got cancelled the day after making headlines, and who gave that order - the same White-House claiming no responsibility for what its department of agriculture is doing.
Monday, November 7, 2011
America the free? Thougts on Occupy DC trapping conservatives in convention, 911 hanging up on calls for help
Where is the right to free speech? Freedom of assembly? The battlefield of ideas? With these presidential approved Marxist provocateurs being of the wrong side of the political isle now allows the ruling party to terrorize you. Silence you - and the government bodies set to protect these basic rights, to preserve freedom, turn against you. This is how freedom dies, thank you Democrats - for bringing in the darkness that is the Marxist mob upon America.
Conservatives Trapped By Occupy DC Claim 9-1-1 Operators Hung Up on them 4 Times

Heroes of the left.
You know what we need? Four more years of Obama's class war-fare, that's right - 4 more years! 4 more years!
Conservatives Trapped By Occupy DC Claim 9-1-1 Operators Hung Up on them 4 Times

In addition to not arresting the hundreds of Occupy DC protesters who blocked the entrance of one of the city’s convention centers Friday to prevent those who disagree with them from exiting, several members who attended the Americans for Prosperity Foundation event say police ignored their 9-1-1 calls for more help to in order to protect event attendees from the mob.Oh brave Marxist agitators, push grandma down the stairs, block way of wheel-chaired woman! Everyone hail dear leader and his legions of brown shirts!
Heroes of the left.
You know what we need? Four more years of Obama's class war-fare, that's right - 4 more years! 4 more years!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Solyndra subpoena rejected by Obama
Because they are a bunch of rotten corrupt autocrats who are continuing to rob the tax payer without any accountability. At least that's what I think.
. WH rejects subpoena request for Solyndra docs
. WH rejects subpoena request for Solyndra docs

President Obama's attorney sent a letter to Congressional investigators on Friday, saying the White House would not cooperate with a subpoena requesting documents related to its doling out a $535 million loan guarantee to now bankrupt solar panel manufacturer Solyndra.Anyone up to Photoshop merge of Obama's campaign logo with Solyndra?
Newsflash: Obama team still 'warn GOP against stalling' new porkulous
Seriously, how low an IQ must you have to take these people's statements at face value? Biden is warning GOP not to stall jobs bill... only we all know that Senate Democrats refused to pass it - and no one is buying into the 'jobs' part of this either. Yet another Democrat money laundering, public funds robbery, spending bill.
It seems the Obama seriously is going to try to run his election on a platform saying: "the mean Republicans didn't let me spend enough money on Solindra type investments with your money." Good luck chump.
Joe Biden Warns Congressional GOP Against Stalling Obama's Jobs Plan
I'm worried about the country's survival with Biden and Obama in charge.
It seems the Obama seriously is going to try to run his election on a platform saying: "the mean Republicans didn't let me spend enough money on Solindra type investments with your money." Good luck chump.
Joe Biden Warns Congressional GOP Against Stalling Obama's Jobs Plan

Vice President Joe Biden says the White House will keep acting on its own to find ways to help the economy if congressional Republicans don't pass the administration's jobs bill.
Filling in for President Barack Obama in the weekly radio and Internet address, Biden asked listeners to press Republicans "to step up" and send approve the plan.
"Tell them to stop worrying about their jobs and start worrying about yours because we're all in this together, and together is the way we're going to bring America back even stronger than it was before," Biden said.
I'm worried about the country's survival with Biden and Obama in charge.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Did the president get paid for his own books which he made state department buy?
Can you define corruption any better than this overt money laundering and theft of public funds?
These are all open questions, I don't have an answer right now - but I wish the media start posing those questions.
NBC Gives 23 Seconds to State Department Buying Up Obama Books; Devoted Full Story to Herman Cain Book Buying

These are all open questions, I don't have an answer right now - but I wish the media start posing those questions.
NBC Gives 23 Seconds to State Department Buying Up Obama Books; Devoted Full Story to Herman Cain Book Buying

On Thursday's NBC Today, White House correspondent Kristen Welker only managed to give 23 seconds to the State Department buying up $70,000 worth of President Obama's various books. However, on October 21, investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff offered a full report about Herman Cain's presidential campaign buying copies of the businessman's new book.Not holding my breath to getting answers from this Pravda media.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
No, seriously, Sponge-Bob does fry your kids' brains, toddler's even more
This particular research goes further - any TV. To which I say - even my super expensive extra cool 65" Plasma?! Say it ain't so! And I thought it was the perfect baby sitter.
I personally insist - it's PBS and Teletabbis that do most damage...
It’s Official: To Protect Baby’s Brain, Turn Off TV

I personally insist - it's PBS and Teletabbis that do most damage...
It’s Official: To Protect Baby’s Brain, Turn Off TV

A decade ago, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggested that parents limit TV consumption by children under two years of age. The recommendations were based as much on common sense as science, because studies of media consumption and infant development were themselves in their infancy.
The research has finally grown up. And though it’s still ongoing, it’s mature enough for the AAP to release a new, science-heavy policy statement on babies watching television, videos or any other passive media form.
Their verdict: It’s not good, and probably bad.
Media, whether playing in the background or designed explicitly as an infant educational tool, “have potentially negative effects and no known positive effects for children younger than 2 years,” concluded the AAP’s report, released Oct. 18 at the Academy’s annual meeting in Boston and scheduled for November publication in the journal Pediatrics. “Although infant/toddler programming might be entertaining, it should not be marketed as or presumed by parents to be educational.”
Sunday, October 16, 2011
What the heck happened to Onion News Network?
Last Friday episode included the following items:
* Israel supposedly attacks US, 20,000 killed in Boston, US stands by Israel
* Obama punches investment banker in face, gains popularity
* Biden defecates on wall-street
In all the years I've been reading, watching, enjoying, laughing with the Onion, I've never seen them virtually promoting ideology as with last Friday's episode. And I don't think that I need to elaborate what kind of ideology considering these items. Almost anything can be excused on guise of sarcasm and trying to be funny. Almost. These three items - not so much.
Obama Seeks Approval Of 'Occupy Wall Street' Protestors By Punching Banker In The Face
* Israel supposedly attacks US, 20,000 killed in Boston, US stands by Israel
* Obama punches investment banker in face, gains popularity
* Biden defecates on wall-street
In all the years I've been reading, watching, enjoying, laughing with the Onion, I've never seen them virtually promoting ideology as with last Friday's episode. And I don't think that I need to elaborate what kind of ideology considering these items. Almost anything can be excused on guise of sarcasm and trying to be funny. Almost. These three items - not so much.
Obama Seeks Approval Of 'Occupy Wall Street' Protestors By Punching Banker In The Face
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Post your TSA satire while its legal, congress wants to criminalize satire
Hey, good luck with that supreme court challenge along the way for breach of freedom of speech. Oh wait, I forgot, its the TSA - they pretty much took away many freedoms when created this entity and let them touch and feel you inappropriately as well as collect images of us naked.
House Bill Would Criminalize Satire of TSA

House Bill Would Criminalize Satire of TSA

On September 22, 2011, H.R. 3011 was introduced in the House. It is entitled the “Transportation Security Administration Authorization Act of 2011” and it contains some curious language.
Two thirds of the way through the ponderous bill, in Sec. 295, we find the following:
Whoever, except with the written permission of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Security (or the Director of the Federal Air Marshal Service for issues involving the Federal Air Marshal Service), knowingly uses the words ‘Transportation Security Administration’, ‘United States Transportation Security Administration’, ‘Federal Air Marshal Service’, ‘United States Federal Air Marshal Service’, ‘Federal Air Marshals’, the initials ‘T.S.A.’, ‘F.A.M.S.’, ‘F.A.M.’, or any colorable imitation of such words or initials, or the likeness of a Transportation Security Administration or Federal Air Marshal Service badge, logo, or insignia on any item of apparel, in connection with any advertisement, circular, book, pamphlet, software, or other publication, or with any play, motion picture, broadcast, telecast, or other production, in a matter that is reasonably calculated to convey the impression that the wearer of the item of apparel is acting pursuant to the legal authority of the Transportation Security Administration or Federal Air Marshal Service, or to convey the impression that such advertisement, circular, book, pamphlet, software, or other publication, or such play, motion picture, broadcast, telecast, or other production, is approved, endorsed, or authorized by the Transportation Security Administration or Federal Air Marshal Service .(Emphasis added.)In other words, if you print a t-shirt or produce a publication with a TSA logo, the government may soon be able to arrest and prosecute you.
Faced with hard evidence regarding Iranian plot, CNN says they're skeptic
CNN, trusts Iranians more than their own government. You know, the good Iranian guys who fund Hezbollah, blow up Jewish targets in Argentina, kidnap Americans for decades, supports insurgents against US in Iraq and Afghanistan. Those Iranians, the CNN crew thinks "why - that doesn't make sense".
5 reasons to be skeptical of allegations
How nice of CNN to later change the headline to :"Some analysts skeptical of alleged Iranian plot". I haven't read the content before they changed the headline, but it still has those 5 reasons and names a former CIA skeptic.
One of the reasoning they posted says: "Iran would lose more than it would gain". Because you know you are dealing with rational people who are always thinking in those terms... except when they develop nukes, defy international community, bombard Jewish targets in Argentina, murder exiled Iranians across Europe... Yep, CNN is skeptic.
5 reasons to be skeptical of allegations
How nice of CNN to later change the headline to :"Some analysts skeptical of alleged Iranian plot". I haven't read the content before they changed the headline, but it still has those 5 reasons and names a former CIA skeptic.
One of the reasoning they posted says: "Iran would lose more than it would gain". Because you know you are dealing with rational people who are always thinking in those terms... except when they develop nukes, defy international community, bombard Jewish targets in Argentina, murder exiled Iranians across Europe... Yep, CNN is skeptic.
Friday, October 14, 2011
We certainly do live in interesting times: Super Hero interviewed, marxists in NYC, nobel peace winning president sends US troops to Libya and Uganda
Megyn Kelly interviews this weird guy, who is weird not for what he did - but for wearing that suit. Yea - I saw "kick ass", and the message was "don't be stupid". As well as don't trust McLovin'...
H/T to "The Right Scoop"
H/T to "The Right Scoop"
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
How much are OWS supporting celebreties worth?
How about spreading their wealth first... especially those who are supposedly public servant - how the heck did Pelosi become so wealthy?!
The Ten Richest Celebrities Supporting Wall Street Protests
NBC Gives Roseanne Behead-the-Rich Barr New Sitcom About Mobile Home Life
The Ten Richest Celebrities Supporting Wall Street Protests

#1 Yoko Ono Net Worth - $500 million.Decapitator and re-educator Rosanne Barr - dirty money grabbing capitalist. Apparently. Hey, thanks NBC for hiring this scumbag once more!
Ono stated “I love ‘Occupy Wall Street’! John is sending his smile to ‘Occupy Wall Street’. I am sending my love to ‘Occupy Wall Street’. We are all working together. ”
#2 Russell Simmons Net Worth - $325 million
Keep in mind that on top of being a hip-hop mogul Simmons is the founder of a high fee credit card company called UniRush Financial Services.
#3 Roseanne Barr Net Worth - $80 million
Roseanne thinks anyone with over $100 million should be beheaded. Interesting that her net worth is $80 million. I guess she doesnt make “the cut”.
#4 Deepak Chopra Net Worth - $80 million
Chopra said #OWS is turning anger into awareness. The fortune he has made off his fluff filled books has just turned me to anger.
#5 Kanye West Net Worth - $70 million
#6 Alec Baldwin Net Worth - $65 million
#7 Susan Sarandon Net Worth - $50 million
#8 Michael Moore Net Worth - $50 million
#9 Tim Robbins Net Worth - $50 million
#10 Nancy Pelosi Net Worth - $35.5 million
NBC Gives Roseanne Behead-the-Rich Barr New Sitcom About Mobile Home Life

Friday, October 7, 2011
Great pic; Communists occupying Wall Street agree: DOWN WITH EVIL CORPORATIONS!
Via powerline:

Not surprising, there are visible links between these communist numb sculls and this Orwellian big brother administration:
Video Exposing How ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Was Organized From Day One by SEIU/ACORN Front – The Working Family Party, and How They All Tie to the Obama Administration, DNC, Democratic Socialists of America, Tides and George Soros (The Blaze)
So it is now clear, Obama is sending out communist activists demanding a revolution and tear down of the capitalist system. Any more question regarding who is the current commander and chief?

Not surprising, there are visible links between these communist numb sculls and this Orwellian big brother administration:
Video Exposing How ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Was Organized From Day One by SEIU/ACORN Front – The Working Family Party, and How They All Tie to the Obama Administration, DNC, Democratic Socialists of America, Tides and George Soros (The Blaze)
So it is now clear, Obama is sending out communist activists demanding a revolution and tear down of the capitalist system. Any more question regarding who is the current commander and chief?
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Saw part of it first on Fox News, literally roll on the floor, laughing.
Speaking of really funny web videos, how about winning?
Speaking of really funny web videos, how about winning?
Monday, October 3, 2011
Breitbart does it again: Photos of Obama with Malik Shabazz the media doesn't care to report about
Guess what else the nation didn't know about "The One" before his election selection.
Direct connection between the president and those whose charges of voter intimidation charges were dropped... not that this criminally biased media cares to report. No, the media instead tries every dirty trick to smear Texas Governor Rick Perry with racism. Despicable.
Shock Photos: Candidate Obama Appeared And Marched With New Black Panther Party in 2007 (Andrew Breitbart)
Direct connection between the president and those whose charges of voter intimidation charges were dropped... not that this criminally biased media cares to report. No, the media instead tries every dirty trick to smear Texas Governor Rick Perry with racism. Despicable.
Shock Photos: Candidate Obama Appeared And Marched With New Black Panther Party in 2007 (Andrew Breitbart)

Friday, September 23, 2011
Obama admin wants to alter your taste preference so that you would eat government approved restaurant meals
Can this administration become any less Orwellian?
USDA Secretary: We Must ‘Create Appropriate Transition’ for What Americans Eat

Here kids, all your nutrition can be found in this cow food. Don't pay attention to what the queen actually eats.

USDA Secretary: We Must ‘Create Appropriate Transition’ for What Americans Eat

Here kids, all your nutrition can be found in this cow food. Don't pay attention to what the queen actually eats.

U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack told members of the National Restaurant Association on Monday that Americans need to “adjust” their tastes so that they like the kind of food the government believes they should eat—and “we have to make sure that what we do is create the appropriate transition.”
“You know, as we deal with this issue of reducing sodium and sugar, it sounds simple to do, but you all know better than I do, it’s not as simple as it sounds,” said Vilsack.
“It’s going to take time for people’s taste to adjust and they will adjust over time, but it will take some time,” he said. “So, we have to make sure that what we do is create the appropriate transition.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Solyndra and Obama's self destruction mechanism, Jon Stewart tears Obama a new butt-hole
I think Obama's goal is to reach 0 voters in 2012. Over-achiever.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
#attackwatch There's two things the thuggish autocrat Obama regime is good for, epic failure and laughs, Update: Hitler Chimes in
Hours and hours of LMFAO:!/search/%23attackwatch
Also, a great YouTube clip via Michelle Malkin
Yes, Hitler downfall parody is also awesomely funny at ridiculing attack-watch Democrat party fiasco.
Also, a great YouTube clip via Michelle Malkin
Yes, Hitler downfall parody is also awesomely funny at ridiculing attack-watch Democrat party fiasco.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Spongebob fries your kid's brains, Caillou doesn't?
I know that 3 minutes of PBS and I start throwing tantrums, but hey - for some reason my little girl loves Caillou. And some times, whatever keeps them happy quiet for a minute - is what matters to the tired parent.
SpongeBob in Hot Water From Study of 4-Year-Olds' Behavior

It is possible I'm still traumatized by "He-Man", the original ambiguously gay character

SpongeBob in Hot Water From Study of 4-Year-Olds' Behavior

The cartoon character SpongeBob SquarePants is in hot water from a study suggesting that watching just nine minutes of that program can cause short-term attention and learning problems in 4-year-olds.
The problems were seen in a study of 60 children randomly assigned to either watch "SpongeBob," or the slower-paced PBS cartoon "Caillou" or assigned to draw pictures. Immediately after these nine-minute assignments, the kids took mental function tests; those who had watched "SpongeBob" did measurably worse than the others.
It is possible I'm still traumatized by "He-Man", the original ambiguously gay character

Sunday, September 4, 2011
Obama's corrupt targeting of famous guitar maker for being non-unionized GOP donor
America used to be a meritocracy. Then came the reign of Obama, and now - everything predicted in the book Atlas Shrugged is coming true. The political class picks and chooses, targets, demolishes, and unfairly harasses business who don't toe the line. I still believe in America, I hope Obama's ouster would undo his corruption and our economy could recover from this unprecedented disaster of a presidency.
Gibson Guitar's Official Statement on its Persecution by the Government (Dugg Ross)

Gibson Guitar's Official Statement on its Persecution by the Government (Dugg Ross)

...Read it all
As an aside, Gibson is a non-unionized shop while its competitors are largely unionized.
And Gibson's CEO is a Republican donor while his competitors -- who import the exact same wood without complaint from the government -- are Democrat contributors.
But I'm sure those are all just coincidences.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Some fun at 2nd chopra Gore's expense
Yea, I've been away for a while, and I'll be away for some time more. Enjoy next bit courtesy of 'The Right Scoop'.
And BTW, to watch the new Glenn Beck show on your TV, 12th of September, you'd need a Roku device with internet access:
Video at the link:
And BTW, to watch the new Glenn Beck show on your TV, 12th of September, you'd need a Roku device with internet access:
Video at the link:

Monday, August 22, 2011
Can Obama claim victory in a war he refused to own, refused to address congress, denied US in war?
This magic man can do what he want and the media will let him. And by the way, Libya - YOUR FUCKEN WELCOME. Now prove to us the rebels are not Al-Quaeda supporters.
Obama: Qaddafi Regime 'Coming to an End'

Golf break.
Obama: Qaddafi Regime 'Coming to an End'

Golf break.
President Obama said Monday that Muammar al-Qaddafi's regime is "coming to an end" but the fighting is "not over yet," as Libyan rebels brought Qaddafi's forces to the brink of collapse.
The president emerged from his vacation in Martha's Vineyard to publicly address the historic developments in Libya, where rebels moved with remarkable speed to capture control of most of Tripoli.
"The future of Libya is in the hands of its people," Obama said. "The celebrations that we've seen in the streets of Libya shows that the pursuit of human dignity is far stronger than any dictator."
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Obama's pal Farakhan: Fort Hood murderer a good Muslim, Army soldiers are the terrorists
Yes, Obama distanced himself from Farakhan during the 2008 primaries, but he was very chummy with him upto the point it seemed to have the potential to derail "The One"'s ascendancy.
Anytime you put a camera and mike on this dangerous radical "Muslim" clerk, you find insanity hate nuggets.
Anytime you put a camera and mike on this dangerous radical "Muslim" clerk, you find insanity hate nuggets.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Phd economist, Nobel winner, Krugman: Only space invasion will end Obama's depression
OK, let's be grownups about it. He meant it as a 'symbolism' or something. But what he was referring to is that Obama needs a new boogeyman to excuse an even bigger government expansion, even bigger spending beyond GDP, even bigger deficit, and then "erase" it all by rampant inflation. The result of which, which he doesn't mention - is destruction of private wealth, because inflation would erase everyone's savings, and the government ends up owning everything. And oh - yea - he's just begging for a world-war, isn't he?
Krugman - not much of an intellectual, more of a target of ridicule these days.
Krugman - not much of an intellectual, more of a target of ridicule these days.
Pakistan let China probe USA's rotor
I wish there was an ounce of funny to this betrayal by Pakistan, or as Obama would say it POH-KEE-STAAAAAN.
Report: Pakistan Granted China Access to U.S.'s Top-Secret Bin Laden Raid Chopper

Report: Pakistan Granted China Access to U.S.'s Top-Secret Bin Laden Raid Chopper

The Pakistani government allowed Chinese military engineers to photograph and take samples from the downed top-secret helicopter U.S. Navy SEALs left behind after they successfully killed Usama bin Laden, the Financial Times reported Sunday.Continue reading at fox-news....
The report comes after months of speculation and rumors that Pakistan gave the Chinese access to the super-stealth chopper.
"The U.S. now has information that Pakistan, particularly the ISI, gave access to the Chinese military to the downed helicopter in Abbottabad," the paper quoted one person in intelligence circles as saying, referring to the Pakistani spy agency.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The best thing to happen in Iowa today... besides crazy uncle Paul bringing the crazy
A Deep-Fried Stick of Butter (On a Stick) - Mmmmm... errr... no - thank you, I will never touch that, but go ahead.
A Deep-Fried Stick of Butter (On a Stick) at the Iowa State Fair

Click for article and video, including a bigger picture.
A Deep-Fried Stick of Butter (On a Stick) at the Iowa State Fair

Click for article and video, including a bigger picture.
Debate Time...
I propose a drinking game, every time Huntsman and Paulenty insist on their conservatism, take a shot. Let's see if you can stand straight an hour from now...
PS. Obama already has a solution to the illegal immigration problem: make this country shitty, so no one will want to come here... I think he's working hard on it and is succeeding.
PPS. Not as nearly as many times as I thought, not even a buzz worth.
PS. Obama already has a solution to the illegal immigration problem: make this country shitty, so no one will want to come here... I think he's working hard on it and is succeeding.
PPS. Not as nearly as many times as I thought, not even a buzz worth.
80 yr old Dr.Evil tried to choke his 28 yr old "girl friend"
Financing global mayhem, and socialists of all creeds, while choking up 27 year old model... it's like a James Bond movie.
Put some "lasers" on the "sharks" before 007 gets to ya.
Billionaire George Soros 'slapped 28-year-old Brazilian ex-lover and tried to choke her after he refused to give her $1.9m Manhattan apartment'

Put some "lasers" on the "sharks" before 007 gets to ya.
Billionaire George Soros 'slapped 28-year-old Brazilian ex-lover and tried to choke her after he refused to give her $1.9m Manhattan apartment'

Billionaire financier George Soros is being sued for $50 million by his former lover - a 28-year-old Brazilian soap star who claims he physically abused her and broke a promise to give her a Manhattan apartment.Link includes a short box reminder that this is "THE HUNGARIAN WHO BROKE THE BANK OF ENGLAND". Dr.Evil?
Adriana Ferreyr claims her 80-year-old former boyfriend slapped her across the face and placed his hands around her neck in a bid to choke her while they argued about the $1.9miilion flat.
The details of the acrimonious split are to be aired in Manhattan Supreme Court, where Miss Ferreyr yesterday filed her $50 million suit.
Read more:
Canibalism: Unions protest outside Joe Biden's estate
Blame the GPS?
Verizon Union Members Strike Outside Joe Biden's Hampton Estate

Verizon Union Members Strike Outside Joe Biden's Hampton Estate

More than a dozen local striking Verizon workers stationed themselves outside the Southampton estate where Vice President Joe Biden is vacationing in an attempt to engage him in conversation Wednesday afternoon, strike leaders say.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
UK Police refuse to protect public to avoid antagonizing rioters, warn victims not to protect or be prosecuted - results in murder of victims
Astonishing. UK liberalism equals social cannibalism. Everything the left dictates results in catastrophes.
And oh, yes - I'm not sure why this is important, but it seems these 3 murdered civilians were Muslims.
3 Muslims murdered protecting their property in the UK(Eye On The World/ Pounce_UK)
And oh, yes - I'm not sure why this is important, but it seems these 3 murdered civilians were Muslims.
3 Muslims murdered protecting their property in the UK(Eye On The World/ Pounce_UK)
(Birmingham) 3 young men (Haroon Jahan, 21, Abdul Nasir, 31, and Shazad Ali, 30) were mowed down and killed by a rioter in Birmingham while standing outside their properties in which to defend them from the gangs of black thugs who have been exercising their human right to rob and steal because they can only be victims. In response to people taking to the streets, in which to defend their homes and businesses, the British police have sent a message in which to reassure them:
The Met Police have been forced to warn people against forms of vigilante justice following the crowds of people forming intent on 'protecting the streets'Yes, on the day it has been revealed that the reason the police didn't stamp down on the rioters in the first place was because they had been ordered not to antagonise the rioters and just watch them riot, they inform the victims of these rioters not to defend themselves or else they will face the full weight of the law.
Gee, good to see the British police defending the dregs of society yet again.
Ha-ha! WI union hired Democrats fail
It seems the public almost everywhere is sick and tired of the "bankrupt the public" agenda of the corrupt Democrat politicians and their public-union drain on humanity overlords.
Democrats fall short in Wisconsin recall elections

Scott Walker, tea party hero.
Democrats fall short in Wisconsin recall elections

Scott Walker, tea party hero.
In massive battle of money and organizing, GOP state senators prevail in four of the six districts targeted by Democrats
Finally we know what is behind 'hope and change', kids read out Obama's agenda
A great comment on Hot-Air by an anonymous:
Zombified innocence. Seriously, you have to be of a same brain development level as these kids to agree with this socialist agenda.
Apparently, this is Van Jone's fake tea party movement...
If you give a kid a free fish today, he'll riot for more free fish tomorrow
Zombified innocence. Seriously, you have to be of a same brain development level as these kids to agree with this socialist agenda.
Apparently, this is Van Jone's fake tea party movement...
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Riots in London, Demonstrations in Tel-Aviv, European Socialism coming undone - it's like it was scripted by the left...
And it has been scripted by the left.
Precisely as it is unraveling, it was planned in the anarchist/marxist/communist community, they have been reading the same agitprop promoting exactly what is happening, in the same stages as can be observed.

Glenn Beck has been telling the public: "The Coming Insurrection" - the left's blue print to create chaos in promotion of a one world communist government in the wake of planet wide devastation.
Precisely as it is unraveling, it was planned in the anarchist/marxist/communist community, they have been reading the same agitprop promoting exactly what is happening, in the same stages as can be observed.
Glenn Beck has been telling the public: "The Coming Insurrection" - the left's blue print to create chaos in promotion of a one world communist government in the wake of planet wide devastation.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Let's face it, Obama turned the USA's economy to a shit pile, or as he calls it "always will be AAA" shit pile
This is what liberal policies accomplish. Total destruction. Someone pull the plug on this spending insanity, please!
Obama: U.S. "always will be a triple-A country"

Dow plunges more than 634 points after downgrade
Obama: U.S. "always will be a triple-A country"

Dow plunges more than 634 points after downgrade
The Dow Jones industrial average fell 634.76 points Monday, the first trading day since Standard & Poor's downgraded American debt. It was the sixth-worst point decline for the Dow in the last 112 years and the worst drop since December 2008. Every stock in the S&P 500 index declined.
But the S&P downgrade wasn't the only catalyst Monday. Investors worried about the slowing U.S. economy, escalating debt problems threatening Europe and the prospect that fear in the markets would reinforce itself, as it did during the financial crisis in the fall of 2008.
"`What's rocking the market is a growth scare," said Kathleen Gaffney, co-manager of the $20 billion Loomis Sayles bond fund. "The market is under a lot of stress that really has little to do with the downgrade." Instead, Gaffney said, investors are focused on worries about another recession and "how Europe and the U.S. are going to work their way out of a high debt burden" if economic growth remains slow.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
So this is what Obama meant when promised "Hope and Change"? First ever downgrade
But... but... Obama got the debt increase he wanted, the stimulus, Obama-care and his treasury secretary said a downgrade won't happen.
Good thing classless Democrats know exactly where to place the blame - the American People and their representatives from the Tea Party.

Yes, this Tax avoiding douche-bag, is lecturing America it's the people's fault - for not paying enough taxes. John Kerry - the biggest douche-bag in the world.
U.S. Senate Blame Game Vitriol Demonstrates S&P Disgust
Good thing classless Democrats know exactly where to place the blame - the American People and their representatives from the Tea Party.

Yes, this Tax avoiding douche-bag, is lecturing America it's the people's fault - for not paying enough taxes. John Kerry - the biggest douche-bag in the world.
U.S. Senate Blame Game Vitriol Demonstrates S&P Disgust
Standard & Poor's faulted political entrenchment in Washington for this weekend's U.S. credit rating downgrade, but it was lawmakers on Sunday bickering over S&P's move that provided insight into how such a decision could be reached.
"I believe this is without question the Tea Party downgrade," said Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass. "This is the Tea Party downgrade because a minority of people in the House of Representatives countered even the will of many Republicans in the United States Senate who were prepared to do a bigger deal."
"I agree that there is dysfunction in our system, and a lot of it has to do with the failure of the president of the United States to lead," responded Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. "The fact is that the president never came forward with a plan. I was gratified to hear that he had plans, but it was never a specific plan, it was always the so-called leading from behind."
On Friday, S&P lowered the credit rating from AAA to AA+, it said, because Congress and the administration were too partisan to get anything done that would significantly improve the nation's debt outlook.
"The political brinksmanship of recent months highlights what we see as America's governance and policymaking becoming less stable, less effective, and less predictable than what we previously believed," S&P said in its announcement.
"The downgrade reflects our view that the effectiveness, stability and predictability of American policymaking and political institutions have weakened at a time of ongoing fiscal and economic
challenges," the announcement continued.
For Democrats, blame lies with Republicans who refused to allow tax increases.
"We need a balanced approach. And the extremism, the Tea Party obstructionism here in Washington, is keeping us from restoring that balanced approach that America has always used of investing in the future, investing in job creation, and also being fiscally responsible at the same time," said Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Democrat Judge allows suit against Rumsfeld by former detainee, Obama's DoJ represented Rumsfeld...
I wasn't a fly on the wall in that procedure, but one might guess it was not the best case the government can present considering the far left politicians running the DoJ these days.

Judge Clears Army Vet to Sue Donald Rumsfeld Over Abduction & Torture Claims
Judge S.Gwin was appointed by Bill Clinton.

Judge Clears Army Vet to Sue Donald Rumsfeld Over Abduction & Torture Claims
Former Secretary of Defense, Donald H. Rumsfeld, has some major problems on the horizon. For the second time, a judge is allowing an Army veteran who says he was imprisoned unjustly and tortured by the U.S. military in Iraq to sue him personally for damages.
The veteran’s identity is withheld in court filings, but he worked for an American contracting company as a translator for the Marines in the volatile Anbar province before being detained for nine months at Camp Cropper, a U.S. military facility near the Baghdad airport dedicated to holding “high-value” detainees.
The government says he was suspected of helping get classified information to the enemy and helping anti-coalition forces enter Iraq. But he was never charged with a crime and says he never broke the law.
Judge S.Gwin was appointed by Bill Clinton.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Congratulation, you've been pre-approved for a 2.4 trillion limit credit card
Congratulation, the only stipulation is that a politician will do the shopping for you....

Obama signs debt bill after final Senate vote

Obama signs debt bill after final Senate vote
The Senate emphatically passed emergency legislation Tuesday to avoid a first-ever government default, rushing the legislation to President Barack Obama for his signature just hours before the deadline. The vote was 74-26.
Obama signed the bill little more than an hour later.
US Dept of Ed use Sponge-Bob to push global warming lies: "SpongeBob goes green!"
And I thought it was yellow and porous and lives in a pine-apple under the sea with its husband-wife Al-Gore-Patrick.

The Blaze has the details: U.S. Dept of Ed Pushes Man-Made Global Warming at Kids’ Reading Event
Sponge-Bob is a funny show, and most jokes fly high above kids heads and are not received. I'm pretty sure their message is ignored too - until parents or government enforce it on them.

The Blaze has the details: U.S. Dept of Ed Pushes Man-Made Global Warming at Kids’ Reading Event
Sponge-Bob is a funny show, and most jokes fly high above kids heads and are not received. I'm pretty sure their message is ignored too - until parents or government enforce it on them.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Biden charges America's tax payers rent - no corruption here, move along
I'm sure glad Biden is making money off of his schemes. Gee, what a great VP!
Via Eye On The World:
Obama's Sly VP: Biden Charges Secret Service to Rent Cottage Next to His Home(WaTi)

Via Eye On The World:
Obama's Sly VP: Biden Charges Secret Service to Rent Cottage Next to His Home(WaTi)

The U.S. Secret Service does more than protect Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. — the agency also pays him rent.
Since April, Mr. Biden has collected more than $13,000 from the agency charged with protecting him and his family for use of a rental cottage adjacent to the waterfront home he owns in a Wilmington, Del., suburb.
Mr. Biden, listed not as vice president in federal purchasing documents but as a “vendor,” is eligible for up to $66,000 by the time the government contract expires in the fall of 2013, the records show
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Video: What's wrong with CNN's Lemon
It's not news, it's about being an asshole...
A line of questioning focused on blame and "emotions", rather then the substance of the issue, while all the while being an unimaginable ass hole to a sitting Senator. It feels like it was two seconds away from Lemon exclaiming harsh insults. Well, harsher than: "I hope you’re happy with yourself, Mr. Tea Party".
O'Reily has the "Who's looking out for you/no spin" thing, Lemon has the "HEY DOUCHE-BAG, I REALLY-HATE YOU!!!!" vibe with no context or subtext.
Related, Jon Stewart making light fun of other Don Lemon antics on CNN:
CNN - still amazingly biased beyond belief.
A line of questioning focused on blame and "emotions", rather then the substance of the issue, while all the while being an unimaginable ass hole to a sitting Senator. It feels like it was two seconds away from Lemon exclaiming harsh insults. Well, harsher than: "I hope you’re happy with yourself, Mr. Tea Party".
O'Reily has the "Who's looking out for you/no spin" thing, Lemon has the "HEY DOUCHE-BAG, I REALLY-HATE YOU!!!!" vibe with no context or subtext.
Related, Jon Stewart making light fun of other Don Lemon antics on CNN:
CNN - still amazingly biased beyond belief.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Politico calls Tea Party villainous terrorists wishing to inflict pain on the innocent
Rush just had a great response on his radio show, The-Right-Scoop will probably publish that later today.
What can you say to those who created this crisis and are now using such harsh rhetoric against the American people as they wish to restore sanity to the country's fiscal trajectory?
Well - I'm not a public media person, so I'll put it as bluntly and spontaneously genuine as I can: Fuck you communist bastards, we can see through your gutter scrapping agit-prop. Don't want a default? Pass GOP plan - it's that easy.
Link to horrible propaganda: The tea party's terrorist tactics

Last note, the lefties aren't taking the American economy hostage, they have committed their suicide bombing on it already.
What can you say to those who created this crisis and are now using such harsh rhetoric against the American people as they wish to restore sanity to the country's fiscal trajectory?
Well - I'm not a public media person, so I'll put it as bluntly and spontaneously genuine as I can: Fuck you communist bastards, we can see through your gutter scrapping agit-prop. Don't want a default? Pass GOP plan - it's that easy.
Link to horrible propaganda: The tea party's terrorist tactics

Last note, the lefties aren't taking the American economy hostage, they have committed their suicide bombing on it already.
Obama's catastrophic economics: Keep revising, no growth, 0.4 GDP for Q1 in revision
Hey, let's raise taxes too - and print money - because if there's anything we've learned from Carter, it's how well these lefty policies work. (they work great if the intention is to wreck the country).

How's that stimulus bill working for us? Exactly as it was intended to.
Q1 CRASHED TO JUST 0.4%!(Drudge headline/CNBC article)

How's that stimulus bill working for us? Exactly as it was intended to.
Q1 CRASHED TO JUST 0.4%!(Drudge headline/CNBC article)
The U.S. economy grew less than expected in the second quarter as consumer spending barely rose, and growth braked sharply in the prior quarter, a government report showed on Friday.
Growth in gross domestic product—a measure of all goods and services produced within U.S. borders—rose at a 1.3 percent annual rate, the Commerce Department said.
First-quarter output was sharply revised down to a 0.4 percent pace from 1.9 percent.
Economists had expected the economy to expand at a 1.8 percent rate in the second quarter.
In addition, fourth-quarter growth was revised down to a 2.3 percent pace from 3.1 percent, indicating that the economy had already started slowing before the high gasoline prices and supply chain disruptions from Japan hit.
Economists had expected the economy would show signs of perking up by now with Japan supply constraints easing and gasoline prices off their high, but data has disappointed.
This and the sharp downward revisions to the prior quarters suggest a more troubling and fundamental slowdown might be underway.
There is also heightened uncertainty over the outlook because of the impasse in talks to raise the nation's borrowing limit and avoid a damaging government debt default.
The Treasury says the government will soon run out of money to pay all its bills.
Economists have warned that a debt default could push the fragile economy over the edge.
"The implications of more rancorous foot dragging would be bad for an economy already in a precarious state," said Julia Coronado, chief North America economist at BNP Paribas in New York. "Uncertainty continues to tax an already fragile recovery."
Data released on Friday showed the 2007-2009 recession was much more severe than prior measures had found, with economic output declining a cumulative of 5.1 percent instead of 4.1 percent.
The annual revisions of U.S. GDP data from the Commerce Department showed the economy contracted at an annual average rate of 0.3 percent between 2007 and 2010. Output over that stretch had previously been estimated to have been flat.
The economy needs to grow at a rate of 2.5 percent or better on a sustained basis to chip away at the nation's 9.2 percent unemployment rate.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Why the nation must elect Palin as president...
To get rid of the unfunny hatemonger late-night failure George Lopez...

George Lopez promises to move to Canada if Sarah Palin is elected President
Hey George, Get stuffed on arugula you liberal douche.

George Lopez promises to move to Canada if Sarah Palin is elected President
Hey George, Get stuffed on arugula you liberal douche.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Obama sends his SIEU drones to flood congress switchboard
So - federal employees are lobbying congress not to cut federal budget... On who's expense exactly? Is it the president's prerogative to utilize armies of socialist activists to propagate his agenda?
Flooding the switchboard
So, those drones are at their cushioned federal job desk, using federal paid phone lines to create a shadow government pressure on this country's actual government, how very SOROS of them.
Flooding the switchboard
One major player who is driving calls is SEIU, whose spokesman forwards an email that went out from President Mary Kay Henry to some 400,000 activists.
"It's up to us to stop this bill. You should make an emergency call to your member of Congress RIGHT NOW and tell them to stand strong against these cuts," she writes, passing on a phone number for the union's virtual phone bank.
Full email after the jump.
Did you hear the breaking news yesterday?
The New York Times reported on a debt ceiling deal that would make deep cuts to Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security benefits without asking for an ounce of sacrifice from corporations and millionaires.
The bill would add millions to the unemployment rolls and deny medical care to the most vulnerable among us - including many of the people SEIU members care for on a daily basis.
It's up to us to stop this bill. You should make an emergency call to your member of Congress RIGHT NOW and tell them to stand strong against these cuts. Use this phone number ...
So, those drones are at their cushioned federal job desk, using federal paid phone lines to create a shadow government pressure on this country's actual government, how very SOROS of them.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Reid: Eat our shit pie, you radical extremists!
Go stuff peas, you ass wipe.
OK, he didn't say shit pie, but that's what he's offering and we know it.
Via Hotair.
OK, he didn't say shit pie, but that's what he's offering and we know it.
Via Hotair.
Obama on Friday 6PM: If I don't get my way by Monday, Asia markets will collapse, reality: pack of lies
The situation might not be great - but definitely no 10% plunge here. How long can this guy speak non-sense while still maintaining any reliability?
Meanwhile - today's news proclaim GOP and DNC from house and senate reached a deal, and Obama said NO. Because it's his way (America's collapse) or the high-way (America's collapse).
Relevant links:
* REPORT: House, Senate agree on framework; Obama says no -- again... (Drudge/WaPo)
* Petulant Man-Child giving statement on Friday
* Stocks sink as debt limit remains unresolved (AP - OMG, everyone panic! 0.4% drop in the Dow Jones!!!! AHAHAAAHAAH! Which window do we jump from?!?!!?!)
* Boehner in so many words: Obama is lying! (Hotair content, not the headline)
Meanwhile - today's news proclaim GOP and DNC from house and senate reached a deal, and Obama said NO. Because it's his way (America's collapse) or the high-way (America's collapse).
Relevant links:
* REPORT: House, Senate agree on framework; Obama says no -- again... (Drudge/WaPo)
* Petulant Man-Child giving statement on Friday
* Stocks sink as debt limit remains unresolved (AP - OMG, everyone panic! 0.4% drop in the Dow Jones!!!! AHAHAAAHAAH! Which window do we jump from?!?!!?!)
* Boehner in so many words: Obama is lying! (Hotair content, not the headline)

Saturday, July 23, 2011
Democrats' Values: Another Sex Scandal for Rep, Unwanted Sex w Teenage Daughter of Friend
Despicable beyond belief.
Wu(D-sewer-dweller) at center of sex allegation

Yes, that guy.
Wu(D-sewer-dweller) at center of sex allegation

Yes, that guy.
Rep. David Wu has been accused of an “unwanted sexual encounter” with the teenage daughter of a longtime friend, the latest scandal to engulf the troubled Oregon Democrat.
The Oregonian reported that the 56-year-old Wu “acknowledged a sexual encounter to his senior aides but insisted it was consensual,” according to sources aware of the incident.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Obama's presser: I'm not pointing fingers, but the GOP in congress are responsible for the destruction I bring upon this country
Disgusting display.
America said no to taxes, Obama says - America, you won't get your Social Security Checks then, and oh - yeah, it's the other guys whom I'm not pointing fingers at.
This guy is a disaster.
America said no to taxes, Obama says - America, you won't get your Social Security Checks then, and oh - yeah, it's the other guys whom I'm not pointing fingers at.
This guy is a disaster.
DNC controlled Senate approved Obamacare despite public outrage, yet 66% approved CCB is voted down
It would appear these people don't really care what the American public wants, not then, not now.
* Media Mash: Despite MSM Slamming 'Cut, Cap and Balance,' 66% of Americans Want It
* Breaking: Senate shoots down CCB, 51-46
Hotair brilliantly and pithily put it like this:
* Media Mash: Despite MSM Slamming 'Cut, Cap and Balance,' 66% of Americans Want It
* Breaking: Senate shoots down CCB, 51-46
Hotair brilliantly and pithily put it like this:
Now onto the Democratic plan! ... er ...

The New Liberal Lingo Lexicon
A few new phrases have surfaced lately, let's review what they mean:
* Increase Revenue: Raise Taxes
* Shared Sacrifice: Raise Taxes
* Balanced Approach: Raise Taxes
* Fair Share: Raise Taxes
* Tax Loop Holes: Raise Taxes
* Reduce Deficit: Raise Taxes
* Fix Health Care: Raise Taxes
* Government Cuts: A crime against humanity, murder of old ladies
* Negotiate Budget: (silence/birds chirping)
* Stimulus: Burn money on 'Green Jobs'
* Green Job: When US money is sent to China to build wind turbine which kills birds, breaks in a few months and doesn't produce enough energy to supply the factory which paid for the taxes raised to supply the green job (in China)
* Extremest: Anything right of Karl Marx
* Increase Revenue: Raise Taxes
* Shared Sacrifice: Raise Taxes
* Balanced Approach: Raise Taxes
* Fair Share: Raise Taxes
* Tax Loop Holes: Raise Taxes
* Reduce Deficit: Raise Taxes
* Fix Health Care: Raise Taxes
* Government Cuts: A crime against humanity, murder of old ladies
* Negotiate Budget: (silence/birds chirping)
* Stimulus: Burn money on 'Green Jobs'
* Green Job: When US money is sent to China to build wind turbine which kills birds, breaks in a few months and doesn't produce enough energy to supply the factory which paid for the taxes raised to supply the green job (in China)
* Extremest: Anything right of Karl Marx
Harry Reid:Obamacare, Stimulus, Finance-Reform great legislation, Cut, Cap, Balance - 'worst in US History'
I'm beginning to believe Harry Reid is one of the worst people in U.S. history.
Harry Reid Won’t ‘Waste the Senate’s Time’ on ‘Worst Legislation’ in U.S. History

Harry Reid Won’t ‘Waste the Senate’s Time’ on ‘Worst Legislation’ in U.S. History

Without a hint of bipartisanship, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Thursday proclaimed the Republican deficit-reduction plan – the “Cut, Cap, and Balance Act” – as a waste of the Senate’s time.
“I think this piece of legislation is about as weak and senseless as anything that has ever come on this Senate floor. And I’m not going to waste the Senate’s time day after day on this piece of legislation, which I think is an anathema to what our country is all about,” Reid said on the Senate floor.
“So everyone, understand. We’re going to have a vote tomorrow (Friday)…I’m not going to wait until Saturday. We’re going to have a vote tomorrow, and I feel confident this legislation will be disposed of one way or the other.
“The American people should understand that this is a bad piece of legislation – perhaps, some of the worst legislation in the history of this country.”
Obama's mercenary Army in Iraq to remain without oversight
This is the guy and the party maligning Bush for war in Iraq and anything which did or didn't go wrong there, now started a senseless war in Libya and prevent oversight over hired guns in Iraq.
U.S. Blocks Oversight of Its Mercenary Army in Iraq
To be clear, these aren't mercenaries, and Obama didn't start this, but this is the type of rhetoric the other side would use to smear a Republican in office.
U.S. Blocks Oversight of Its Mercenary Army in Iraq
By January 2012, the State Department will do something it’s never done before: command a mercenary army the size of a heavy combat brigade. That’s the plan to provide security for its diplomats in Iraq once the U.S. military withdraws. And no one outside State knows anything more, as the department has gone to war with its independent government watchdog to keep its plan a secret.
Stuart Bowen, the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR), is essentially in the dark about one of the most complex and dangerous endeavors the State Department has ever undertaken, one with huge implications for the future of the United States in Iraq. “Our audit of the program is making no progress,” Bowen tells Danger Room.
To be clear, these aren't mercenaries, and Obama didn't start this, but this is the type of rhetoric the other side would use to smear a Republican in office.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Obama lobbying for early release of convicted terrorist
This administration is all about being on the opposite side to the American people.
Why Is The Obama Administration Lobbying For The Early Release of A Convicted Terrorist?

Read it all...
Is this the "change" Americans had in mind when they voted in 2008?
Why Is The Obama Administration Lobbying For The Early Release of A Convicted Terrorist?

Abdul Rahman Al-Amoudi is an American citizen who was convicted of conspiracy to murder a Saudi Prince on behalf of Libya. On July 8th, Forbes reported that federal prosecutors are pushing for his early release from prison. Efforts to discover more of the details about this proposed release have been frustrating:
The documents explaining why prosecutors want to cut Alamoudi’s sentence are under seal, and the U.S. Attorney‘s Office in Alexandria declined to say how many years they are seeking to cut from Alamoudi’s term.Mr. Al-amoudi has served just nine years of a twenty-three year sentence
Read it all...
Is this the "change" Americans had in mind when they voted in 2008?
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Hilarious Video: Contessa Brewer is a dunce
These so called reporters are so desperate in trying to shill for their socialist in chief, too bad their agitprop techniques are straight out of kindergarten level debate.
H/T: Eye on the world
H/T: Eye on the world
Dora the Destroyer approaches Mexico
Had to go there.

Building hurricane pushes waves toward Mexican coast

Building hurricane pushes waves toward Mexican coast
Heavy swells were expected along Mexico's Pacific coast as Hurricane Dora strengthed into a Category 2 storm Wednesday, the National Hurricane Center said.
Dora was churning in the Pacific Ocean on a path that was moving it parallel to the southwestern Mexican coast, the center said.
Obama and RINOS: Take away mortgage deduction, raise taxes on everyone under 250k, raid personal savings and retirement plans
Insanity, can you say imminent backlash? It's not like I believed the real-estate market will come back any time soon, or over the next 10 years, but this will throw it into an even worse crisis. Most non-rich American families will immediately pay thousands of dollars more in taxes. Does Obama really think he could sneak this through and the public will accept it with glee?
Senate GOP showing flexibility in debt fight (msnbc, diverting anger at GOP - allow me to redirect: It's Obama and the DNC plan through and through)

Retirement savings?! They're going to tax the tax-free savings?! This is daylight robbery of the personal property of the American people. Un-fricken-believable!
Senate GOP showing flexibility in debt fight (msnbc, diverting anger at GOP - allow me to redirect: It's Obama and the DNC plan through and through)

The tax reform outline would set up three income tax rates — a bottom rate of 8-12 percent, a middle rate of 14-22 percent and top rate of 23-29 percent — to replace the current system, which has a bottom rate of 10 percent with five additional rates, topping out at 35 percent. It would reduce but not eliminate tax breaks on mortgage interest, higher-cost health plans, charitable deductions, retirement savings and families with children.
Retirement savings?! They're going to tax the tax-free savings?! This is daylight robbery of the personal property of the American people. Un-fricken-believable!
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