Monday, July 25, 2011

Obama on Friday 6PM: If I don't get my way by Monday, Asia markets will collapse, reality: pack of lies

The situation might not be great - but definitely no 10% plunge here. How long can this guy speak non-sense while still maintaining any reliability?

Meanwhile - today's news proclaim GOP and DNC from house and senate reached a deal, and Obama said NO. Because it's his way (America's collapse) or the high-way (America's collapse).

Relevant links:
* REPORT: House, Senate agree on framework; Obama says no -- again... (Drudge/WaPo)

* Petulant Man-Child giving statement on Friday

* Stocks sink as debt limit remains unresolved (AP - OMG, everyone panic! 0.4% drop in the Dow Jones!!!! AHAHAAAHAAH! Which window do we jump from?!?!!?!)

* Boehner in so many words: Obama is lying! (Hotair content, not the headline)

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