Thursday, June 16, 2011

The rise and fall of Weiner

No happy ending...

A collection of headlines from today, to commemorate wiener twitting Weiner member of congress:

* Weiner to Pull Out(jawa)
* Weiner Shrivels(moonbattery)
* Sandcrawler PSA: Weiner Pulls Out Early(jawa)
* Farewell to the Angry Face of the Democratic Party (JWF)
* Fiasco: Weiner heckled while announcing resignation(hotair)
* Barbara Walters Mourns Weiner 'Tragedy,' Worries 'He's Never Had Another Job'(news busters)

* Many more politfake awesome demotivators: Wiener politifake

To those waking up from a coma today, no - this is not an Onion satire, this scum bag internet sexual predator really was a member of congress, and he really did do what was alleged, and the lefty media really did try to defend, even past point of no return where logic commits suicide. So long prick, hope to never hear from you again.

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