A sudden darkness will fall on media. No all-night partying by members of the press this time. The gloom and doom at CNN's live election coverage will spawn a few liberals to commit suicide across the country. By 5AM the day after, 13 different Hollywood celebrities will vow to leave the country for ever. (sadly they'll remain)
And then, the pounding will begin. We will hear the words they would have held back through out Obama's presidency:
* The country is in 3 wars, and America is the bad guy
* Every soldier dying and every coffin returning will become front page
* There's a horrible financial crisis
* The plight of the poor and the unemployed will become nightly news full hour specials
* The destruction of industries will be new must-have-flops of main movie studios
* America will learn again that supposedly everyone in the world hates war mongering Americans (or at least that's what the media around the world would report)
* Everything imposed and implemented during Obama's presidency will immediately be the evil republicans' fault. Case in point: The patriot act extension passed without a shred of protest, will again be vilified as loss of freedom (still it was Biden who wrote it to begin with...)

This blogger is very pessimistic regarding the lefty aparachic media complex and their intentions for this country.