Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Obama to implement Sharia and the liberal godless fools flock to reelect him

When your leader says “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”, he can't be any more clear that he is in favor of Sharia imposition, and against free speech and freedom of religion (and lack there of). Under Obama's world view - blasphemy against Islam will has resulted in punishment.

Hotair: Obama: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”(video)

So if I'm an Atheist, and I say Muhammad is a false prophet who broke treaties, butchered and enslaved innocent civilians, and raped little girls - under Obama - its blasphemy and "the future" will not belong to me - whatever that means...

These aren't American values, these are Indonesian, Pakistani, radical Islamic values.

. And yet those who will rush to see Christ in piss and fund these obscenities with tax payer money - these godless bunch will rush to usher mullah Obama's 2nd term.

I don't know about you folks - but seriously - I'm reconsidering my future place of residence. This isn't America anymore under this guy.


  1. LOL. You scream about Obama doing one bow to a fellow head of state, but completely ignore your previous favorite guy who bowed, hugged, kissed, held hands with, and invited them on family vacations?

    p.s. Pork ribs, beer, and gay marriage are all secretly part of Sharia Law?

  2. I guess u missed the whole point about free speech and offending Muhammad. I don't think Christians in Pakistan and Egypt share your derogatory chuckle.
