Michelle’s in Prison, But You Can’t Visit!

Poor prisoner - her orange jump suits cost us $9,000 a piece
First Lady Michelle Obama lightheartedly noted Tuesday that the White House is like a prison, but this prison has one significant difference with most others: No visitors are allowed.
As tourists flood into Washington for the July 4th holiday, they still won’t have access to “The People’s House” to get a view of how the president lives. After spending nearly $100 million on a trip to Africa – much of cost, by the administration’s own admission, allotted for security – the White House has still not found a way to provide funding for a few Secret Service agents to staff the White House tours.
Mrs. Obama made the “prison” comment during an appearance with former First Lady Laura Bush in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
“There are prison elements to it,” Michelle said of the White House. “But it’s a really nice prison.”
Mrs. Bush wryly noted that the prison has a chef.
Indeed, the Obamas continue to have their meals cooked for them. But four months after the mansion was closed to visitors, you still can’t see where they eat.
Hey Obamas, do you know who is in prison? A guy who made a movie about Muhammad in America.
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