Shall we begin?

- Gay Rights? How about punitive actions for Hetronomativity. Ban old Disney movies. How about re-education the youth at school about the joy of anal sex and fisting?
- Pot - It's cool... so let's make it legal, and make cocaine legal too - I mean, Obama has experience in both, as do probably most of his Democrat senators. Make sure to make these things legal, cheap and available to achieve Brave-New-World "soma" utopia. But be sure to harshly punish those who use tobacco. Again - destructive, addictive, personality changing drugs = good, Tobacco = bad. Got that?
- Secularism: well - let's face it, anyone who believes in god is a cultist. Time to reign in on their free speech and freedom to practice their faith. Christians = enemy. (see current "white old men = enemy" Democrat meme)
- Islam: permanent victims. Christianity = enemy, while Islam = oppressed do - gooders. Mosque on every hill! There's a campaign slogan!
- Energy. Consumption of energy is bad for the dolphins. Old people should freeze to death at winter in the north, that's the natural way of things according to 2016 Democrats.
- Climate. It's still changing, and you evil republicans are the cause of all hurricanes and tornadoes. Vote DNC to fight GOP caused tornadoes!
- Foreign Affairs: I see a black hole where this administration is leading us to - so its hard to envision world status 4 years from now. Suffice it to say - GOP would be portrait as war mongers, human rights violating capitalists. It's a constant meme which will never change.
- Race relations: How much more radical can you get with people like Chris Mathews? GOP are white, enemy of all races, destroy and punish your enemy ... bla-bla-bla (which I think is precisely word for word what Obama said in one of his speeches)
- Immigration: Following on race relations, expect La-Raza to get their agenda in. So who's up to give up the south west to a new racist Hispinic only nation? This continent belongs to Hispanics only and whites are invaders with no rights - don't you know? Since Obama courts this radical group La-Raza right now - expect further embrace of this national suicide to further be accepted as Democrat platform.
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