Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Obama to implement Sharia and the liberal godless fools flock to reelect him

When your leader says “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”, he can't be any more clear that he is in favor of Sharia imposition, and against free speech and freedom of religion (and lack there of). Under Obama's world view - blasphemy against Islam will has resulted in punishment.

Hotair: Obama: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”(video)

So if I'm an Atheist, and I say Muhammad is a false prophet who broke treaties, butchered and enslaved innocent civilians, and raped little girls - under Obama - its blasphemy and "the future" will not belong to me - whatever that means...

These aren't American values, these are Indonesian, Pakistani, radical Islamic values.

. And yet those who will rush to see Christ in piss and fund these obscenities with tax payer money - these godless bunch will rush to usher mullah Obama's 2nd term.

I don't know about you folks - but seriously - I'm reconsidering my future place of residence. This isn't America anymore under this guy.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ugly caricature of Muhammad naked, ass and testicles, on French Magazine

I hear the sound of Pop-Corn in a microwave, or is that red mist of rage induced head popping around the middle-east?

Source: EoZ blog

Friday, September 14, 2012

It appears KFC is a joooish conspiract against Muhammad or something

From iOwnTheWorld: KFC and Hardee’s Become Targets of Islamic Furor in Tripoli

The dear old Colonel always was an Islamophobe I guess. He only kills the Muslim chickens for the glory of the franchise.

Tunisia, Yemen, Suda, London, Iran, Egypt, Libya... angry Muslims happen

This special occasion of spontaneous warrant-less rage and murder, deserves a T-Shirt. Just sayin'...

Tunisia, Yemen, Suda, London, Iran, Egypt, Libya... angry Muslims happen
I'm not sure there's a difference between the slogan on this shirt, and my blog-post title.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Obama declared war on terror over, but it doesn't seem like it ended in a victory

I'm not one to pour words on this. The situation pretty much speaks for itself. This administration championed Muslim Brotherhood rise across north Africa. They invited them to participate in the US administration. They clamped down on discussion of radical Islam within US agencies. They prevented interrogation by focusing on assassinations. They revealed US state secrets and exposed agents in the field. Then Obama boasted as if he personally killed the snake's head OBL.

Well - guess what - we all saw it coming, and now - truly, chickens come home to roost. Al-Qeada is Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim Brotherhood is Al-Quada. And now north Africa is the same as Iran,

Thanks Barack! Moron!

My headline states how I see it:

Obama declared war on terror over, but it doesn't seem like it ended in a victory

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Obama's speech at convention, Lunesta in prime time

Eyes.. must ... stay ... open ... can't...

Hey Berry, why won't you repeat your words from the past:

"3 years proposition"
"you didn't build that"
"fundamental transformation of America"

The only bright side, the loonies from the first day of convention have finally taken a bath and combed their hair...

Clinton, Father of Lewinsky's seamen stain, a rock star in DNC convention

Clinton's speech transcript available here.

The man is an expert salesman of this used car called Obama. Not just a used car, a complete wreck. Republicans need to explain again 3 main points (some pundits say easily explain):
  • Clinton claims Obama-Care didn't cut 700 billion from medicare, he took it from insurance firms' excess - and Ryan would actually cut medicare,
  • Clinton claims Obama-Care already a success - saving money and lives, reducing costs and issuing billions of dollars in refunds to business and individuals.
  • Clinton claims Obama didn't gut well-fare reform, and what he did was in response to GOP governors requests and will reduce well-fare and strengthen employment
Which leads me back to thinking, beyond the snake oil bickering - of the top of my head - here are a few quick reason why America should fire Obama:
  • Gas prices (they can't blame Bush for that one!)
  • Obama's said: "You didn't build that", "The private sector is doing fine", "Spread the wealth around, it's good for everyone"
  • Solindra
  • Fast and Furious
  • Suing states trying to prevent voter fraud 
  • Suing states trying to fight illigal immigration crime wave
  • Failed stimulus and kick back deals
  • Oil drilling moratorium
  • Anti Coal industry policies
  • Major pipeline veto
  • Turning Nasa to "Muslim world outreach program"
  • Involving US in war in Libya without seeking congressional approval
  • Supporting Muslim Brotherhood revolution and white-washing terror groups
  • Golfing endlessly, going on extravagant vacations, partying like there's no tomorrow in the white-house while the country was descending into an abyss.
  • Hiring communists to the white house such as Van Jones
  • Seeking to silence and destroy financially media critics such as Glenn Beck from within White-House. Turning the government against its citizens
  • Power grab, regulating and decree to work around constitutional separation of powers
  • White-House telling students "too much information is bad", not to listen to "wrong" media and instead consume their information from "approved" sources such as Huffington Post 
  • White-House worked to malign rich people and success
  • Obama on race relations: Trayvon Martin, Harward professor arrest at home, "typical white woman"
The crowd at DNC convention shouted "four more years", I guess they want four more years of abject failure.

Obama's failure is so grand, it's hard to find a field of government where he has not done harm: Justice, Energy, Jobs, Health, Deficits, Debt, Well-Fare