Monday, October 13, 2014

Days of Ebola

The Obama admin disaster rolls on and every day brings in a whole new catastrophe. Seriously - time to open those nuke bomb shelters and wait for the Obama fall-out to clear. In the meanwhile - us peasants will continue to strive for survival in this apocalyptic insanity that Obama brings upon us.

* They blame the GOP
* But won't stop Ebola from flying into the USA
* While dispensing bad advice
* And blame America for Liberia's Ebola
* Meanwhile the market is crashing
* And the open borders madness of Obama is causing yet another epidemic here
* So which will come first? ISIS beheaders at your local food market (workplace violence) or the Ebola death?
* Good thing we are sending our brave men to catch Ebola too, right? Soldiers won't squash ISIS, but catch Ebola instead.

This is really - really depressing. When you live in a nation of morons, who vote in a do-nothing, know-nothing, sir Golf-A-Lot the brave - this is what we get. And it is just terrible!


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Video: That awkward moment, when you realize you face an audience of anti-Semites...

Bravo to Senator Ted Cruze, for showing courage and integrity while facing a crowd of people who show their hatred to Jews while he was speaking.

Video source:New Video: Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage By Middle Eastern Christians!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Video: Collection of clips regarding IRS scandal, lost emails, destruction of evidence etc

I say, fire everyone from IRS, put their top honchos in the slammer, and put every swinging Richard from WH be their bed fellow in jail. OK, stop dreaming of a functioning republic where laws are respected, back to reality of King Obama and his reign of tyranny:

Gretta interview with Issa from yesterday 6/19 on foxnews:

Jay Sekulow, lawyer for victims of IRS/Lerner/Obama on civil suit, crimes etc :

Uber-douche IRS commissioner Koskinen lying under oath to Rep. Kevin Brady:

Paul Ryan tells IRS douche no one believes him. Notice piece of filth Cummings trying his best to interject, though his mike is off. Talk about a piece of scum who deserves to dwell in prison with the rest of the conspirators.

Also note, the evidence was erased 10 days after inquiry into these IRS crimes began.

Oh yea - and IRS commissioner states e-mail aren't official record, so STFU to congress, except it is and he is a criminal.

Final video: No one is more outraged than the main criminal saying not a smidgeon of corruption.

He isn't a crook. He is a tyrant. A conspirator. A liar. A criminal.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Obama administration daily catastrophe

How do you misdirect the public from your massive daily failure? Fail harder and in a more spectacular way the next day. Working hard on failing and delivering a disaster which we will forget tomorrow because of a new unimaginable disaster.

You know what's wrong with the Obama administration? Well, EVERYTHING!

ISIS Captures Iraqi Soldiers, Institutes Sharia Law, Flogs Prisoners in Public Square (Photos)

Captured American equipment at Al-Qaeda hands

Monday, June 2, 2014

Blogging less and less

There comes a time when the scandals are so huge, so numerous, coming at you every fucken day - that you are just left speechless.

Thanks Obama for making everything, everywhere suck in this country. The only way to keep "taking it", "absorbing it", keeping your sanity - is to ignore it - and while I can't really ignore it - I'm beginning to just become catatonic.

We need a special Dr.House episode for treating a nation for post-Obama stress disorder.


Saturday, May 3, 2014

Video: O'Reilly tears the press & Obama over Benghazi cover-up

Who is this "Ben" you keep talking about?

OK, now seriously naive question I'd like conservative commentator to answer clearly for this country: Benghazi is like WaterGate for which criminal activity by the president?

Face it, we are being conditioned to accept that the president is a liar and that's OK - so shut up racists. I believe that when the truth about IRS involvement by Obama is revealed, the criminal element would be unavoidable, whilst the Benghazi lies and incompetence has actually been voted on by the public - a vote of pfftts... so what? Racists?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Video: Crappy

Sing along: like a bike without a seat...

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Worst attorney general ever claims all criticism of him is racism

Can there be worse people running this country?

VIDEO: Eric Holder Claims Argument With Louie Gohmert a Case of Racism Against Administration

At Al Sharpton's annual National Action Network Annual convention, Attorney General Eric Holder spoke about civil rights and referenced his back-and-forth at Tuesday's House Judiciary Committee hearing, with Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas)...

"I have been proud to stand along side of you in supporting efforts to advance the cause of justice that has always been at the center of this , this administrations work I am pleased to note that the last five years have been defined by significant strides and lasting reforms, even in the face, even in the face, of unprecedented, unwarranted ugly adversity. And if you don't believe that, you look at the way ...forget about me... forget about me , you look at the way the Attorney General of the Untied States was treated yesterday by a House committee. Had nothing to do with me what Attorney General has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment? What President has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment "

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Thoughts about "Dallas Buyer's Club" and Oscar

I'll start by mentioning that after watching the excellent "True Detective" series, and hearing of McConaughey's speech at the Oscars - the wife said we should watch this movie. How stupid of me - not to check what this movie is about. 5 minutes into it though, I thought I did understand what the movie was about. Gays and AIDS. So - lesson learned, next time, read a synopsis before clicking on the rent button on my Roku.

Realizing what I was watching, I came to a quick and easy conclusion, the probable reason this movie was nominated and won was because it's about AIDS and gays. Now, I do admit that McConaughey gives a great performance and literally starved himself for the role. However, I was pondering, is it better or different than Tom Hanks at Philadelphia? Besides, I was thinking, I already watched that AIDS+Gays movie, why am I being subjected to a Texas version of it?

Finally, I watched the movie to the end, and I realized that while AIDS and gays are prominent, it's really not what the movie is about. This movie is about how the federal government sucks. Sure, they want to pin this on Reagen (not by name, only by posters on people's walls) - but the unavoidable conclusion is that this movie is about how wrongheaded the federal government actions can be, and how it leads to suffering, bad treatment, and death. In essence, it's a prelude into why government should minimally meddle with medical care and choices, or put it differently: Why OBAMACARE sucks ass.

I'm sure the folks at Hollywood didn't realize that this movie is a backhand slap to their beloved ObamaCare agenda - but it is. And once a person realizes that conclusion, it makes watching the movie somewhat less uncomfortable. This is a libertarian movie, and should be celebrated for that.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Video: Bolton at CPAC, Obama is nation's biggest national security crisis

Mister mom-jeans? Mister red-line in Syria? Mister capitulation to Iran? With all that reset button and apologies to the world for "evil Bush". Naa.... we didn't see this coming. So shut-up, because racists! I for one am super tired of this awful president and his on going misguided and wrongheaded heavy footed stumbling on world stage.

The "Stash" for president!

Southern Democrats in 2014 are racists, especially those Dixie Montana, North Dakota Senators

Democrats, why hate the black guy?

A Handful of What Now?
Just now on NPR’s Morning Edition (yes, I often listen), a story on yesterday’s failed vote on Debo Adegbile began “a handful of southern Democrats joined Republicans yesterday to defeat President Obama’s choice to head the Justice Department’s civil rights division.” For what it’s worth the Democrats who voted no:

Chris Coons (Del.)
Bob Casey (Pa.)
Mark Pryor (Ark.)
Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.)
Joe Manchin (W.V.)
Joe Donnelly (Ind.)
John Walsh (Mont.)

And, of course, Harry Reid (Nev.), who did it for procedural grounds.

Not exactly Sons of the Confederacy.

But seriously, snark aside, why did those Democrats hate the black guy so?

Who dat guy? Wanna know? New-York Times and Obama won't tell you but Cruze in the video below will school us morons

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Video: the Al Sharpton presidency is upon us

President Kamacho shuffling his Brawndo juice to follow... I'm just not sure !@#!@#@ Hey what the !?

One might venture to think that it's Al Sharpton who is the copy cat dumbass here. However, I'd refer you to the fact that basically - they do echo each other. Quoting the same garbage their "think" tank is writing on their teleprompter. It's just that the one is more talented at "reading".

Monday, February 24, 2014

Video: Kimmel asks crowd how many signed up for ObamaCare, no one answers, Also: Obamacare-care parody

Fucken awesome. Too bad this shitty Democrat imposed catastrophe kills people though. Chickle while you can.

No joke, Obamacare kills:

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Free audiobooks read by volunteers is apperantly a bad idea

Trying to listen to "the Count Of Monte Cristo" from Well - this recording is based on reading by volunteers. Some - at the beginning were really good readers. Enunciating, emoting, act and do different voices. I was amazed. But then a few Europeans who barely speak English and aren't very well readers as a whole - rendered the experience impossible. I'm sorry people of Portugal, please don't volunteer to read out English audio books. It's just horrible. I promise my self not to subject people to my own incomprehensible accent and paused reading of an immense masterpiece. Why would you?