Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Thoughts about "Dallas Buyer's Club" and Oscar

I'll start by mentioning that after watching the excellent "True Detective" series, and hearing of McConaughey's speech at the Oscars - the wife said we should watch this movie. How stupid of me - not to check what this movie is about. 5 minutes into it though, I thought I did understand what the movie was about. Gays and AIDS. So - lesson learned, next time, read a synopsis before clicking on the rent button on my Roku.

Realizing what I was watching, I came to a quick and easy conclusion, the probable reason this movie was nominated and won was because it's about AIDS and gays. Now, I do admit that McConaughey gives a great performance and literally starved himself for the role. However, I was pondering, is it better or different than Tom Hanks at Philadelphia? Besides, I was thinking, I already watched that AIDS+Gays movie, why am I being subjected to a Texas version of it?

Finally, I watched the movie to the end, and I realized that while AIDS and gays are prominent, it's really not what the movie is about. This movie is about how the federal government sucks. Sure, they want to pin this on Reagen (not by name, only by posters on people's walls) - but the unavoidable conclusion is that this movie is about how wrongheaded the federal government actions can be, and how it leads to suffering, bad treatment, and death. In essence, it's a prelude into why government should minimally meddle with medical care and choices, or put it differently: Why OBAMACARE sucks ass.

I'm sure the folks at Hollywood didn't realize that this movie is a backhand slap to their beloved ObamaCare agenda - but it is. And once a person realizes that conclusion, it makes watching the movie somewhat less uncomfortable. This is a libertarian movie, and should be celebrated for that.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Video: Bolton at CPAC, Obama is nation's biggest national security crisis

Mister mom-jeans? Mister red-line in Syria? Mister capitulation to Iran? With all that reset button and apologies to the world for "evil Bush". Naa.... we didn't see this coming. So shut-up, because racists! I for one am super tired of this awful president and his on going misguided and wrongheaded heavy footed stumbling on world stage.

The "Stash" for president!

Southern Democrats in 2014 are racists, especially those Dixie Montana, North Dakota Senators

Democrats, why hate the black guy?

A Handful of What Now?
Just now on NPR’s Morning Edition (yes, I often listen), a story on yesterday’s failed vote on Debo Adegbile began “a handful of southern Democrats joined Republicans yesterday to defeat President Obama’s choice to head the Justice Department’s civil rights division.” For what it’s worth the Democrats who voted no:

Chris Coons (Del.)
Bob Casey (Pa.)
Mark Pryor (Ark.)
Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.)
Joe Manchin (W.V.)
Joe Donnelly (Ind.)
John Walsh (Mont.)

And, of course, Harry Reid (Nev.), who did it for procedural grounds.

Not exactly Sons of the Confederacy.

But seriously, snark aside, why did those Democrats hate the black guy so?

Who dat guy? Wanna know? New-York Times and Obama won't tell you but Cruze in the video below will school us morons