I say, Obama is a motha fracker Genius. He demolished the US economy, drove the debt into the abyss, refused to compromise on anything, and on January 1st, Obamacare 1 trillion tax hike goes into affect. Yet, the low information morons are blaming GOP because the house of representatives refused to vote for the tax increase Obama insisted he wanted, called "Fiscal Cliff".
America, you've been played.
If you ask me, and really - NO ONE DOES - don't vote to approve anything. It is what it is - the sequestration is the only spending cut Obama is willing to let happen - so let it happen. And for god sakes, don't let the CALM act go, no one needs "managed tax hikes", are you complete morons?
Welcome to the 2013 Obama tax hikes, fiscal calamity and national suicide - more than half the nation voted for this "victory".
Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
'Tis the season to deport Christians to Sharia hell?
Consider the following headlines:
* Saudi Police Storm Home and Arrest 41 People for…’Plotting to Celebrate Christmas’
* Sweden: Iranian Christian ordered deported to Iran despite facing execution for apostasy there
Supposedly these stories are unrelated, I mean - it is two different countries. Of course, everyone knows the commonality here - it is Sharia, and even though one is Shia and the other Sunni, these are just two similar flavors of the same murderous supremacy ideology.
Interesting that Sweden are doing absolutely nothing regarding the Islamization of Malmo, and the suffering of Jews who for some reason still reside there, and are also dedicated and devoted in their support of anything that will blow up Jews in Israel be it Hamas or PLO - but are committed and zealous when it comes to deporting someone into the Sharia hell known as Iran.
* Saudi Police Storm Home and Arrest 41 People for…’Plotting to Celebrate Christmas’
* Sweden: Iranian Christian ordered deported to Iran despite facing execution for apostasy there
Supposedly these stories are unrelated, I mean - it is two different countries. Of course, everyone knows the commonality here - it is Sharia, and even though one is Shia and the other Sunni, these are just two similar flavors of the same murderous supremacy ideology.
Interesting that Sweden are doing absolutely nothing regarding the Islamization of Malmo, and the suffering of Jews who for some reason still reside there, and are also dedicated and devoted in their support of anything that will blow up Jews in Israel be it Hamas or PLO - but are committed and zealous when it comes to deporting someone into the Sharia hell known as Iran.

Friday, December 14, 2012
Something must be broken with society
A shocking day, it takes a special kind of monster to have done this to 20 kindergarten children.
WTF?!? Why is all this shit happening over the last year? Just last week a shooting in a mall, before that Batman killer. Horrible.
Something must be broken with society
WTF?!? Why is all this shit happening over the last year? Just last week a shooting in a mall, before that Batman killer. Horrible.
Something must be broken with society
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Prevailing logic of Democrats today
Since Democrats have unabashedly adopted Marxism as their economic belief, I have a little observation:
Democrats are rejecting Capitalism, the system which allows everyone a chance at success, while endorsing socialism, a system which guarantees everyone to suffer.
Democrats are rejecting Capitalism, the system which allows everyone a chance at success, while endorsing socialism, a system which guarantees everyone to suffer.
Monday, November 26, 2012
The best is yet to come: Major Recession predicted in 2013
It's not a fiscal - we're about to hit a reality concrete wall.
Morgan Stanley’s Doom Scenario: Major Recession in 2013

Morgan Stanley’s Doom Scenario: Major Recession in 2013

The global economy is likely to be stuck in the “twilight zone” of sluggish growth in 2013, Morgan Stanley has warned, but if policymakers fail to act, it could get a lot worse.
The bank’s economics team forecasts a full-blown recession next year, under a pessimistic scenario, with global gross domestic product (GDP) likely to plunge 2 percent.
“More than ever, the economic outlook hinges upon the actions taken or not taken by governments and central banks,” Morgan Stanley said in a report.
Under the bank’s more gloomy scenario, the U.S. would go over the “fiscal cliff” leading to a contraction in U.S. GDP for the first three quarters of 2013. In Europe, the bank’s pessimistic scenario assumes a failure of the European Central Bank (ECB) in cutting rates and a delay of its bond-buying program.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The best is yet to come: House Prices Are Nowhere Near A Bottom
I believe conservatives are mainly depressed about the sinking realization that half the nation are such morons that they wouldn't care about such news, and had still voted for hope'n'change economic demise.
House Prices Are Nowhere Near A Bottom Says Analyst

House Prices Are Nowhere Near A Bottom Says Analyst

In recent months, most economists have come to believe that U.S. house prices have finally bottomed after a horrible five years of declines.
Most of the major house-price indices, including the monthly Case-Shiller report, have turned higher. And yesterday's Existing Home Sales report showed an increase in the median house price of a startling and encouraging 11% year over year.
In the past couple of years, there have been periods in which house prices have risen temporarily, only to soon begin falling again. These "head fakes" caused many analysts and real-estate agents to prematurely call the bottom. And they have likely left some home buyers and investors sitting on losses that they didn't expect.
One analyst, Keith Jurow, who writes about the housing market for finance site Minyanville, thinks that the current price rebound is just yet another head fake. Jurow thinks the bottom for house prices is "nowhere in sight." And he thinks that homeowners in some markets like New York, which haven't experienced price declines that are as sharp as in some other markets, will get particularly clobbered in the next few years.
Jurow bases his conclusion primarily on concerns about so-called "shadow inventory"--a huge number of houses that will eventually be on the market but aren't counted in current inventory figures. For example, a large number of households are behind on their mortgages or have stopped paying their mortgages, Jurow says, but the banks have yet to foreclose. When banks are finally forced to foreclose, Jurow says, and these houses hit the market, they will cause significant additional price declines. Additionally, some homeowners who want to sell are waiting for price increases. When they finally give up and put their houses on the market, Jurow says, this will add additional supply.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Republicans, do us a favor and stop promoting Gov Christie, pal of Islamists, destroyer of historic elections
With how my previous silently said pleas went, this isn't going to end well. I mean, I wasn't shy about saying anyone but McCain, and then anyone but Romney - for various reasons, only to see them the actual candidates, and frankly - against Obama - I'd take almost anyone. Almost. But not Christy.
Gov Christie puts Hamas-linked imam facing deportation, 3 more Islamists, on outreach committee

Imam Mohammad Qatanani, just a good feller from the block...
Gov Christie puts Hamas-linked imam facing deportation, 3 more Islamists, on outreach committee

Imam Mohammad Qatanani, just a good feller from the block...
The most notorious of the committee members is Mohammad Qatanani. He was arrested in Israel in 1993 because of his links to Hamas, including the fact that his brother-in-law was a Hamas official in the West Bank. Qatanani told the Israelis that he had been a member of the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood but left in 1991 because he had limited time for this project. The Israeli government says he admitted to being a Hamas member and was convicted, but he was released as part of a plea bargain. The Department of Homeland Security is seeking his deportation for failing to disclose this on his green card application.Yea... if this is the face of the Republican party - I'll go partying somewhere else, thank you - no!
In 1994, Qatanani moved to NJ to lead the Islamic Center of Passaic County in Paterson, a mosque founded in 1989 by Hamas fundraiser Mohammed El-Mezain. In November 1994, El-Mezain stated that ICPC was collecting money for Hamas, according to an FBI report. The two men jointly led the ICPC and lived together as El-Mezain raised money for terrorism until he stepped down in 1999. In July 2006, the Department of Homeland Security began deportation proceedings against Qatanani.
The DHS says Qatanani “engaged in terrorist activity” and is guilty of “material misrepresentation” and “engaging in unauthorized employment … by allowing an out-of-status alien to reside with him.” It also describes a “highly dubious” transfer of thousands of dollars to the West Bank.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Best is yet to come: Jobless claims surge
Someone decided to stop fudging the numbers?
Initial Jobless Claims Surge to Highest Level Since April 2011

Initial Jobless Claims Surge to Highest Level Since April 2011

Initial jobless claims surged to their highest level since April 2011 today rising from 361K up to 439K. While some of the increase is attributable to Hurricane Sandy, there really is no way to sugar coat this weakness. If you were having second thoughts regarding the economy, today's report doesn't help, and it will likely take weeks before we can get a true read on jobless claims
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
The Democrats' agenda in 2016
Since under Obama the Democrats have gone so far to the left one has to wonder, what new radical trick will they come up with to rally the troops in 2016? I'm personally not one to ponder the 2016 campaign yet, I really don't care. This exercise is about theorizing where can the extremely radical agenda of the Democrats end up after fulfilling their current insane one.
Shall we begin?

Shall we begin?

- Gay Rights? How about punitive actions for Hetronomativity. Ban old Disney movies. How about re-education the youth at school about the joy of anal sex and fisting?
- Pot - It's cool... so let's make it legal, and make cocaine legal too - I mean, Obama has experience in both, as do probably most of his Democrat senators. Make sure to make these things legal, cheap and available to achieve Brave-New-World "soma" utopia. But be sure to harshly punish those who use tobacco. Again - destructive, addictive, personality changing drugs = good, Tobacco = bad. Got that?
- Secularism: well - let's face it, anyone who believes in god is a cultist. Time to reign in on their free speech and freedom to practice their faith. Christians = enemy. (see current "white old men = enemy" Democrat meme)
- Islam: permanent victims. Christianity = enemy, while Islam = oppressed do - gooders. Mosque on every hill! There's a campaign slogan!
- Energy. Consumption of energy is bad for the dolphins. Old people should freeze to death at winter in the north, that's the natural way of things according to 2016 Democrats.
- Climate. It's still changing, and you evil republicans are the cause of all hurricanes and tornadoes. Vote DNC to fight GOP caused tornadoes!
- Foreign Affairs: I see a black hole where this administration is leading us to - so its hard to envision world status 4 years from now. Suffice it to say - GOP would be portrait as war mongers, human rights violating capitalists. It's a constant meme which will never change.
- Race relations: How much more radical can you get with people like Chris Mathews? GOP are white, enemy of all races, destroy and punish your enemy ... bla-bla-bla (which I think is precisely word for word what Obama said in one of his speeches)
- Immigration: Following on race relations, expect La-Raza to get their agenda in. So who's up to give up the south west to a new racist Hispinic only nation? This continent belongs to Hispanics only and whites are invaders with no rights - don't you know? Since Obama courts this radical group La-Raza right now - expect further embrace of this national suicide to further be accepted as Democrat platform.
Monday, November 12, 2012
The party of racist white old men

Carter - Dr.Evil, hater of Jews

Bill Clinton - The first real black president... Obama would have served him drinks, carry his bags

Robert Byrd - KKK, longest serving senator... eulogized by all the old whities and Obama.

Senator Harry Reid - Negro Dialect...

VP Joe Biden, ask Judge Clarence Thomas about this guy, for that matter there's a whole list of white old Democrat senators voting against the first black supreme court judge - for whatever reason they invented, but let's face it: RACISTS
Not enough? Ask yourself a simple question: How many white male senators serve on behalf of the Democrat party? Could it be 90% of Democrat senators? How many male white old Democrat congressmen serve in the house of representatives? How many media members in MSNBC are not white old men?
Saturday, November 10, 2012
The big lie: Republican base isn't just "dying white old people"
GOP support is half the country, at least. Even if Obama managed to get a majority, that's still %49.7 who did vote for Romney. And the house is still a majority of republicans. The last election was a dud as far as turn-out, but the majority of the nation still chose republican representative. The majority of the country isn't "old white men". I'm not old, neither are the people around me in Michigan whom I know who have voted for GOP. The media is selling a big lie, in an attempt to co-opt congress house votes against the will of the people who voted them in. It's math dummies, GOP votes aren't all "white old men", it can't be if you consider the real numbers.
And then you need to consider this ass hole:
Mark Shields: 'Republican Base Moving From Its Own Home to the Rest Home to the Funeral Home'

Now there's a white old man we can all hope to see in the funeral home soon enough.
And then you need to consider this ass hole:
Mark Shields: 'Republican Base Moving From Its Own Home to the Rest Home to the Funeral Home'

Now there's a white old man we can all hope to see in the funeral home soon enough.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Bill O'Reilly tip-toes around telling Obama what we all have been saying: YOU SUCK, YOU LYING MARXIST
An artful example of thinking it, almost writing it, but then being very careful to to express it. Hey Bill, we know what you mean hear, it's just a bit naive to think the Marxists on the other side care. They want "social justice", and the only result of such justice - is massive unemployment, crushing debt, collapsing economy, and the "Rich" blocking any underling from joining their ranks. Socialism redistributes poverty and misery while protecting the political class every step of the way. Corruption is a mode of operation, not a byline of unintended consequence. Obama bought his voters with Food-Stamps and Well-Fare without employment conditions. His regulation crushes the private sector and nothing is hinting on changing course. This is by design.
Or maybe O'Reily is the last man around here believing leftists have a last shred of decency. I for one, have long since abandoned such hopes.
A Personal Note to President Obama

Note II to Bill: Hell is where we stand.
Or maybe O'Reily is the last man around here believing leftists have a last shred of decency. I for one, have long since abandoned such hopes.
A Personal Note to President Obama

Dear Mr. President:
You must be tired. Please take some time off; you worked very hard to get reelected. As a loyal American, I want you in good health - and that means some rest and relaxation once in a while.
But when you ramp it up again, I hope you will consider some suggestions from a citizen who's a bit disappointed in your overall performance. Please understand that I am not looking at this from an ideological perspective, rather from a sports point-of-view.
I want American leadership to win the game. That means improving the economy, bolstering protection for the folks, and running an honest operation from the White House. At this point in history, that's what winning means to me.
Let's take the economy first. Apparently, you believe that massive government spending can create well-paying jobs in the private sector. But after four years and almost a trillion dollars of federal money being fed into the economic system, that has not worked. Unemployment is about the same as it was when you took over in 2009, and wages are down sharply.
You spent a ton of our money, Mr. President; we didn't even get a tee shirt.
Now, I know some of my fellow citizens see it differently, and voted for you believing your economic vision is working. But let's be honest, the voter breakdown clearly shows that folks receiving some kind of government largess supported you big time, while those avidly competing in the marketplace voted for Governor Romney.
It was no accident that the day after your victory the stock market plummeted 313 points.
So, I hope you'll rethink the big spending deal and begin to make it easier for small business people to make money. When they are flush, the job market surges. When they feel threatened, hiring shuts down.
I well understand that the "tax the rich" mantra got you some political currency. But we both know that strategy will do little to stimulate anything other than jealousy.
On the security front, may I suggest that you be a stand up guy. Please hold a press conference and tell the folks what you know about the Libyan terror attack and why things are such a mess. This "we're investigating" stuff is a ruse. Telling us what you know does not impede any investigation.
Dodging Libya hurt your honesty index. And that hurts the country. It is very important that the folks trust you - even if they don't like you. Take that from me. My television program has been top-rated for nearly 13 years, and it's not because I'm Dale Carnegie. Most Americans respect straightforward talk even if they are annoyed by it.
In closing, congratulations on your victory. You and your guy Axelrod designed a campaign that Romney's Boston boys could not match. But that's not what's important now. Fixing the economy is.
Do that and your legacy will be assured. Fail, and all hell will break loose
Note II to Bill: Hell is where we stand.
I'm wondering how many people voted on Tuesday to have them selves fired by Thursday
Or at the very least, to have their employer coverage dropped for a government program 2 years from now. Tuesday's vote was a self inflicted wound to the head. The patient is still alive, yet barely Conscience.
How Many Businesses Have Announced Closings or Layoffs Since Obama Won A Second Term?

Another thought, when you catch your teenage boy or girl smoke weed, or worse - spending his college years doing coke - how can you reprimand him knowing he is following your president's example?
How Many Businesses Have Announced Closings or Layoffs Since Obama Won A Second Term?

Another thought, when you catch your teenage boy or girl smoke weed, or worse - spending his college years doing coke - how can you reprimand him knowing he is following your president's example?
Thursday, November 8, 2012
First amendment - RIP 2012
This isn't America any-more. :-(
A quote from a quote from hotair.com: ‘Innocence of Muslims’ filmmaker sentenced to a year in prison for ‘parole violation’

I'm still trying to convince my self that secretly I can be a Democrat at heart, now stop making it so difficult!
A quote from a quote from hotair.com: ‘Innocence of Muslims’ filmmaker sentenced to a year in prison for ‘parole violation’
Defense lawyer Steven Seiden told reporters after Wednesday’s hearing that the government was using its probation case to punish Youssef for making the film, thus chilling his client’s constitutional rights to freedom of expression.Hey Hillary, another ass-hole insulted Islam, go get them!
“This hearing had everything to do with the movie,” he said.

I'm still trying to convince my self that secretly I can be a Democrat at heart, now stop making it so difficult!
How to cope with elections result?
Let's face it - I'm bummed about the results. I'm terrified of what the near future may bring. I made a list of things to help me set my mind better at ease...
And of course, there's always hard liqueur...
- Try to convince my self to like Democrats and their choice for president - not going so well... Just saying one morning that I'm a Democrat doesn't work - I can't find one value I'm aligned with.
- Turn off the news. Well said, now turn off that streaming radio... any moment now. Not. For sure the news-channel on my TV should be blocked though. What a waste of electricity and unnecessary noise.
- Boycott GM. No problem, see ya in the afterlife Obamatrons.
- Buy foreign cars. That's right - at least I know my taxes aren't funding their looting the American bond holders for lavish lifestype of people who barely graduate from high-school.
- Ohio - you're dead to me. (ok, I might have to drive through your state - but no stopping!)
- Be super cynical. That's not by choice.
- Concentrate on everything not politics. Specifically tabloids focusing on Alien invasion stories and who has a flabby body at the beach.
And of course, there's always hard liqueur...
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
At about 8:30 I got a bad feeling. An angry growl in my stomach. I went to do dishes angrily, turned on the dish-washers so that enough noise will fill our living room. And sat back and started tweeting. I couldn't sleep until 3am.
I'm shocked that the American people made the choice they did yesterday. Frankly, I don't understand you people. I think we are looking at an abyss - and the public just said "JUMP!".
I'm shocked that the American people made the choice they did yesterday. Frankly, I don't understand you people. I think we are looking at an abyss - and the public just said "JUMP!".
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Are y'all ready for Obamacare?

Leaning forward onto fiscal cliff....
OMFG: Fox declares it for Obama, catastrophy hits USA
The loony bin took the house. Looking for a realtor down under....
Tight race: Obama must be wondering: Just what does it take to lose these elections?
This guy, he can do everything horribly wrong, and still the drones will vote for him:
- Terror attack right before election, with cover-up, scandals, lies, deaths - CHECK
- Economy in shambles? CHECK
- Broken promises? CHECK
- Angry and fired up electorate regarding first term legislation? CHECK
- No (public) plan for second term? CHECK
- Racial politics? CHECK
- Dividing the nation? CHECK
- Appoint communist advisors? CHECK
- Burn down tax-payer money on "green jobs" boondoggle? CHECK
- Fight the Catholic church? CHECK
- Sky rocketing gas prices? Coal plants and mines going broke? CHECK
Go out and vote! Time to end Obama's reign
A special message to supporters of Obama:
You'll be whistling Zipi-Di-Du-Da out of your f---n ass!
You'll be whistling Zipi-Di-Du-Da out of your f---n ass!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Video: WOW! Avenger Obama calling for "Revenge" against GOP
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Final debate season thought: What the heck does 'winning the debate' mean?
If the goal of the debate is winning voters, and all polls show no change or Romney winning more votes, and focus groups agree that 'Obama won the debate' but they decided to vote 'Romney' after watching the debate - then what the heck is a "win" for Obama in the debate?

I think people confuse winning a debate with winning a 'talking trash' competition. Yep, Obama won the 'I'm a condescending prick' issue with his 'horses and bayonets' remark. He also won the 'saying not true' the most times, and the 'the 80-s called back, they want the...' race. But what idea did he push out there that won? Which undecided last leaf on an autumn tree did he pick? Did he sway those who have already decided against him?
To be sure, I can see how the MSNBC crowd thinks Obama won. They are raving lunatics who see racists in everyone who disagree with them. In short, they are hateful morons. To them a victory is something that resembles an MSNBC evening show; shout matches, bullying, name calling, spreading lies and talking points, belittling, zinging, talking over, incivility, disrespect, childish behavior, and ... well ... plain stupidity praised as elevated thought.
So I'll give the MSNBC guys their participation trophy. For you numb-nuts, Obama is a winner. Savor in that notion and keep living in your pink and purple cloud. You can "win" that way as ofter as you like as far as I'm concerned. I just want the lying douche in chief who was responsible for the last 4 horrible years out. That will be the only "win" that counts.

I think people confuse winning a debate with winning a 'talking trash' competition. Yep, Obama won the 'I'm a condescending prick' issue with his 'horses and bayonets' remark. He also won the 'saying not true' the most times, and the 'the 80-s called back, they want the...' race. But what idea did he push out there that won? Which undecided last leaf on an autumn tree did he pick? Did he sway those who have already decided against him?
To be sure, I can see how the MSNBC crowd thinks Obama won. They are raving lunatics who see racists in everyone who disagree with them. In short, they are hateful morons. To them a victory is something that resembles an MSNBC evening show; shout matches, bullying, name calling, spreading lies and talking points, belittling, zinging, talking over, incivility, disrespect, childish behavior, and ... well ... plain stupidity praised as elevated thought.
So I'll give the MSNBC guys their participation trophy. For you numb-nuts, Obama is a winner. Savor in that notion and keep living in your pink and purple cloud. You can "win" that way as ofter as you like as far as I'm concerned. I just want the lying douche in chief who was responsible for the last 4 horrible years out. That will be the only "win" that counts.
US had drone over Benghazi during attack, watched by Pentagon, State Department, White House, but not Obama?
Well then, here are a few simple questions everyone should be asking:
This administration should change their logo to something along these lines:

- Why wasn't Obama watching? Did he stop watching and went to bed?
- Who was watching? Did Clinton watch?
- Why weren't forces deployed to assist?
This administration should change their logo to something along these lines:

Monday, October 22, 2012
Debate II notes: Obama's solution to world problems is green jobs?
I don't have the video, and I'll avoid trying to look for it too long. Romney said the US should invest in education in the Arab world to prevent radicalization (I disagree, because it is a lost cause). Obama said we should stop nation-building and do nation-building at home. Then he moved on to explain we need to retrain workers for green jobs. That we need green jobs. That we need green energy. These aren't the precise words, but that was the argument.
Can we please do neither? Is someone out-there listening?
Can we please do neither? Is someone out-there listening?
Predictions for last debate
Based on the last two....

And remember, winning by points means losing in the poll.
Update: Well - I was wrong - I think Bob Schieffer did an excellent job. More to the shame of who-ever that woman was in the second debate.

- Obama will say "not true" a lot
- Obama will interrupt Romney and call him a lying liar who wants to start a world war
- Obama will lie about Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Eastern Europe, Russia, China relations.
- Romney will be interrupted by moderator more than 20 times
- The "journalists" will give Obama a standing ovation cheer at some point
- Chris Mathews will outdo himself in showing how loony he is on live TV
And remember, winning by points means losing in the poll.
Update: Well - I was wrong - I think Bob Schieffer did an excellent job. More to the shame of who-ever that woman was in the second debate.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Obama debate huge whopper: called Benghazi attack terror day after
Lucky for us, Breitbart.com covered this just two days ago:
Read it all and realize once more that Obama is just a lying politician. Nothing more.
PS. Anyone notice the president was asked WHO refused more security to ambassador to Libya, and he simply didn't answer.
Obama mentioned the word "terror" once in his Sep. 12 statement: "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for." But the context of that statement suggests strongly that President Obama was referring to terror in general, not specifically to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi or the violent demonstrations at the U.S. embassy in Cairo.Source: The Big Lie: Obama Did Not Call Benghazi Attack Terrorism on Sep. 12
Furthermore, Obama's reference to "terror" came near the end of his statement. His initial description of the attacks, at the start of his statement, portrayed them as an excessive response to the anti-Islam video upon which the Obama relied for days and weeks thereafter: "Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification for this type of senseless violence."
Read it all and realize once more that Obama is just a lying politician. Nothing more.
PS. Anyone notice the president was asked WHO refused more security to ambassador to Libya, and he simply didn't answer.

Monday, October 15, 2012
Admire my psychic powers...
I wrote a "look into Obama's presidency" in October 2008: A Look into Obama’s Presidency
The piece was an analysis of Obama's expected impact on America based on his views and proclamations as well as policies of his former Democrat predecessors. I believe I got it %90 right, except he did murder the terrorists (instead of interrogate them - mind you). Which only means that on top of it all - he is a serial liar with no moral ground to stand upon. This is not about broken promises - it's about lacking any credibility even in the realm of values.
The piece was an analysis of Obama's expected impact on America based on his views and proclamations as well as policies of his former Democrat predecessors. I believe I got it %90 right, except he did murder the terrorists (instead of interrogate them - mind you). Which only means that on top of it all - he is a serial liar with no moral ground to stand upon. This is not about broken promises - it's about lacking any credibility even in the realm of values.

Friday, October 12, 2012
Regarding VP debate: I want some of what Biden was smoking
- Nuclear Iran? Bu-wa-hahahaha!!!
- Wasted 1 trillion on stimulus? Bu-wa-hahaha!!!
- Promised to reduce deficit by half and instead added 6 trillion in debt? Bu-wa-hahaha!!!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Obama campaign mixed in major donation scandals, obama.com owned by Chinese government?
Fun Monday. After a horrendus performance in the debate, it seems like Obama is finally getting some long due scrutiny - and today's headlines on Breitbart.com tell the story:

* Obama Campaign Has No Security to Bar Illegal Foreign Donations
* Windfall: Obama Raises $181 Million, Only Around 2% of Donations Reportable
* Report: Obama.com Vulnerable to Illegal Foreign Campaign Donations
* Bombshell: Obama.com Owned by Bundler in Shanghai with Business Ties to Chinese Government
I guess we finally know who buys all that odd merchandise on Obama's campaign website...

* Obama Campaign Has No Security to Bar Illegal Foreign Donations
* Windfall: Obama Raises $181 Million, Only Around 2% of Donations Reportable
* Report: Obama.com Vulnerable to Illegal Foreign Campaign Donations
* Bombshell: Obama.com Owned by Bundler in Shanghai with Business Ties to Chinese Government
I guess we finally know who buys all that odd merchandise on Obama's campaign website...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Obama to implement Sharia and the liberal godless fools flock to reelect him
When your leader says “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”, he can't be any more clear that he is in favor of Sharia imposition, and against free speech and freedom of religion (and lack there of). Under Obama's world view - blasphemy against Islam will has resulted in punishment.
Hotair: Obama: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”(video)
So if I'm an Atheist, and I say Muhammad is a false prophet who broke treaties, butchered and enslaved innocent civilians, and raped little girls - under Obama - its blasphemy and "the future" will not belong to me - whatever that means...
These aren't American values, these are Indonesian, Pakistani, radical Islamic values.
. And yet those who will rush to see Christ in piss and fund these obscenities with tax payer money - these godless bunch will rush to usher mullah Obama's 2nd term.

I don't know about you folks - but seriously - I'm reconsidering my future place of residence. This isn't America anymore under this guy.
Hotair: Obama: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”(video)
So if I'm an Atheist, and I say Muhammad is a false prophet who broke treaties, butchered and enslaved innocent civilians, and raped little girls - under Obama - its blasphemy and "the future" will not belong to me - whatever that means...
These aren't American values, these are Indonesian, Pakistani, radical Islamic values.
. And yet those who will rush to see Christ in piss and fund these obscenities with tax payer money - these godless bunch will rush to usher mullah Obama's 2nd term.

I don't know about you folks - but seriously - I'm reconsidering my future place of residence. This isn't America anymore under this guy.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Ugly caricature of Muhammad naked, ass and testicles, on French Magazine
I hear the sound of Pop-Corn in a microwave, or is that red mist of rage induced head popping around the middle-east?

Source: EoZ blog

Source: EoZ blog
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
It appears KFC is a joooish conspiract against Muhammad or something

From iOwnTheWorld: KFC and Hardee’s Become Targets of Islamic Furor in Tripoli
The dear old Colonel always was an Islamophobe I guess. He only kills the Muslim chickens for the glory of the franchise.
Tunisia, Yemen, Suda, London, Iran, Egypt, Libya... angry Muslims happen
This special occasion of spontaneous warrant-less rage and murder, deserves a T-Shirt. Just sayin'...

Tunisia, Yemen, Suda, London, Iran, Egypt, Libya... angry Muslims happen
I'm not sure there's a difference between the slogan on this shirt, and my blog-post title.

Tunisia, Yemen, Suda, London, Iran, Egypt, Libya... angry Muslims happen

I'm not sure there's a difference between the slogan on this shirt, and my blog-post title.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Obama declared war on terror over, but it doesn't seem like it ended in a victory
I'm not one to pour words on this. The situation pretty much speaks for itself. This administration championed Muslim Brotherhood rise across north Africa. They invited them to participate in the US administration. They clamped down on discussion of radical Islam within US agencies. They prevented interrogation by focusing on assassinations. They revealed US state secrets and exposed agents in the field. Then Obama boasted as if he personally killed the snake's head OBL.
Well - guess what - we all saw it coming, and now - truly, chickens come home to roost. Al-Qeada is Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim Brotherhood is Al-Quada. And now north Africa is the same as Iran,
Well - guess what - we all saw it coming, and now - truly, chickens come home to roost. Al-Qeada is Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim Brotherhood is Al-Quada. And now north Africa is the same as Iran,
Thanks Barack! Moron!
My headline states how I see it:Obama declared war on terror over, but it doesn't seem like it ended in a victory
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Obama's speech at convention, Lunesta in prime time
Eyes.. must ... stay ... open ... can't...
Hey Berry, why won't you repeat your words from the past:
"3 years proposition"
"you didn't build that"
"fundamental transformation of America"
The only bright side, the loonies from the first day of convention have finally taken a bath and combed their hair...
Hey Berry, why won't you repeat your words from the past:
"3 years proposition"
"you didn't build that"
"fundamental transformation of America"
The only bright side, the loonies from the first day of convention have finally taken a bath and combed their hair...
Clinton, Father of Lewinsky's seamen stain, a rock star in DNC convention
Clinton's speech transcript available here.
The man is an expert salesman of this used car called Obama. Not just a used car, a complete wreck. Republicans need to explain again 3 main points (some pundits say easily explain):
- Clinton claims Obama-Care didn't cut 700 billion from medicare, he took it from insurance firms' excess - and Ryan would actually cut medicare,
- Clinton claims Obama-Care already a success - saving money and lives, reducing costs and issuing billions of dollars in refunds to business and individuals.
- Clinton claims Obama didn't gut well-fare reform, and what he did was in response to GOP governors requests and will reduce well-fare and strengthen employment
- Gas prices (they can't blame Bush for that one!)
- Obama's said: "You didn't build that", "The private sector is doing fine", "Spread the wealth around, it's good for everyone"
- Solindra
- Fast and Furious
- Suing states trying to prevent voter fraud
- Suing states trying to fight illigal immigration crime wave
- Failed stimulus and kick back deals
- Oil drilling moratorium
- Anti Coal industry policies
- Major pipeline veto
- Turning Nasa to "Muslim world outreach program"
- Involving US in war in Libya without seeking congressional approval
- Supporting Muslim Brotherhood revolution and white-washing terror groups
- Golfing endlessly, going on extravagant vacations, partying like there's no tomorrow in the white-house while the country was descending into an abyss.
- Hiring communists to the white house such as Van Jones
- Seeking to silence and destroy financially media critics such as Glenn Beck from within White-House. Turning the government against its citizens
- Power grab, regulating and decree to work around constitutional separation of powers
- White-House telling students "too much information is bad", not to listen to "wrong" media and instead consume their information from "approved" sources such as Huffington Post
- White-House worked to malign rich people and success
- Obama on race relations: Trayvon Martin, Harward professor arrest at home, "typical white woman"
Obama's failure is so grand, it's hard to find a field of government where he has not done harm: Justice, Energy, Jobs, Health, Deficits, Debt, Well-Fare
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Hateful moron of the day David Chalin fired after saying: "Romneys Want to Party With Black People Dying' on air
I do believe his bosses knew who he was, and what he was saying before, he was only fired for being caught on hot-mike.
Yahoo News fires David Chalian

Hey, you know who else this country ought to fire for similar such messages?
Yahoo News fires David Chalian

Hey, you know who else this country ought to fire for similar such messages?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Even a moron, an anti-abortion extremist, who can concate the words "rape" and "legitimate" is preferable to an Obama rubber stamp who helped usher in Obama-Health-Tax cacophony
Alternative headline, Video: Akin apologizes, stating: "me sorry, me stooopid".
Even a moron, an anti-abortion extremist, who can concate the words "rape" and "legitimate" is preferable to an Obama rubber stamp who helped usher in Obama-Health-Tax cacophony.
The man is a self serving grade A moron. An embarrassment to humanity, who for some odd reason got financed by the Democrats to make it through the GOP primaries, and whom Democrats where urging to stay in the race. And I say - it's still better than McCaskill.

Let's all yell together: "6 More Years! 6 More Years! Green Jobs! Stimulus! Obamacare! My opponent is Stooooopid, elect me!"
Even a moron, an anti-abortion extremist, who can concate the words "rape" and "legitimate" is preferable to an Obama rubber stamp who helped usher in Obama-Health-Tax cacophony.
The man is a self serving grade A moron. An embarrassment to humanity, who for some odd reason got financed by the Democrats to make it through the GOP primaries, and whom Democrats where urging to stay in the race. And I say - it's still better than McCaskill.

Let's all yell together: "6 More Years! 6 More Years! Green Jobs! Stimulus! Obamacare! My opponent is Stooooopid, elect me!"
Friday, August 10, 2012
Video: Obama ad officially claims Romney is a tax avoiding son of a bitch with cooties and a total not good guy or something
You know what? This president is presiding over the demolishment of the capitalist system, the division of the country, race bating, supplying Mexican cartels with assault guns. This guy is SUCCESSFULLY diverting the conversation from the horror that is his presidency to a never-ending lying smear campaign. I'm disgusted with anyone who buys into it.
It's so fucken clear! If Romney had done anything illegal with regards to taxes - he'd face a trial. Fuck that, Tax-Cheat Geitner was placed as head of treasury, and then him and Obama stole the pensions of Delphi employees because they weren't bribing the Democrats through unions.
This commie ass hole of a president will stop at nothing.
The Blaze breaks down the content of this ad.
Release taxes? How about releasing the following:
It's so fucken clear! If Romney had done anything illegal with regards to taxes - he'd face a trial. Fuck that, Tax-Cheat Geitner was placed as head of treasury, and then him and Obama stole the pensions of Delphi employees because they weren't bribing the Democrats through unions.
This commie ass hole of a president will stop at nothing.
The Blaze breaks down the content of this ad.
Release taxes? How about releasing the following:
- College transcripts
- Fast and Furious documents
- Medical records
- Passports
- Call and data list of Obama's infamous black-berry
- Coming clean on collusion with PAC
- Acorn, "New party", "working family" party connections
- Come clean on Obama's religion (I believe him an atheist with Muslim values)
- Explain the usage of words: "Hope", "Change", "Forward", "Social Justice", "Fundamental transformation"
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Is Obama's plan for the US economy a nationalization of industries? (communism)
Well... let's ask him. What say you Obama?
Mister president! Please stop smearing yourself with your own voice!
Mister president! Please stop smearing yourself with your own voice!
Video: Democrats release racist attack ad against Allen West
A hero, treated like garbage by these socialists of the Democrat party.
They put the black guy beating up old white granny... why - is that's racist!? Hey, if it were Obama then yes - every media outlet would call it racist.
It's simply just as bad though - as the ad suggesting Paul Ryan pushes old ladies off cliffs. Same "no-class" sleaze.
They put the black guy beating up old white granny... why - is that's racist!? Hey, if it were Obama then yes - every media outlet would call it racist.
It's simply just as bad though - as the ad suggesting Paul Ryan pushes old ladies off cliffs. Same "no-class" sleaze.
Video: MSNBC's Mika scolds Obama campaign for sleezy scumbag "Romney killed my wife" ad
Notice so called "conservative" Joe saying about Obama's people "these are all people we know and like". Sure, he's a conservative....
The guest makes the point that it's all GW.Bush's campaign fault. Really, lefties no no bottom to their sleaze.
The guest makes the point that it's all GW.Bush's campaign fault. Really, lefties no no bottom to their sleaze.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Video: 'Obama that I used to know'
Oh, these misguided lefties... they are never happy. I doubt these folks who whine about Guantanamo will ever vote for anyone but Obama. Still it's worth a giggle.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Blogs war: Jihad Watch and Atlast Shrugs vs. Weasel Zippers
Disclosure, I was a co-blogger on Zip, and considered myself a friend to the founder. I was kicked after a few times I posted incorrect information mistakenly. It sucked, and now I see much less traffic. Oh well, it's fine by me now - I always did this as a hobby - and my life is busy enough as is.

Now there's a cataclysm between Robert Spencer, Geller, and Zip:
It appears Zip emailed the following to Spencer regarding Geller:
It's interesting that Pamella was also the one who started the falling out with LGF, which then descended into Johnson falling off a rational cliff - turning from a reasonable right wing thought blog, to loony pro "global warming" and slander little shitty site.
I would note that the heat observed here is very personal.
To sum up my thoughts on the subject:

Now there's a cataclysm between Robert Spencer, Geller, and Zip:
More on how the Right abandoned the jihad
It appears Zip emailed the following to Spencer regarding Geller:
What's it like being a smart guy playing second-fiddle to an illiterate attention whore?Which resulted in a broad accusation of abandonment of the cause by a vast right wing conspiracy:
The Right's dirty little secret
It's interesting that Pamella was also the one who started the falling out with LGF, which then descended into Johnson falling off a rational cliff - turning from a reasonable right wing thought blog, to loony pro "global warming" and slander little shitty site.
I would note that the heat observed here is very personal.
To sum up my thoughts on the subject:
- Jihad-Watch is an important site, it's too bad it finds itself deep inside blog-wars on the right. Most, if not all on this political isle are fervently opposed to Jihadism domestically and abroad
- Pamella does a lot of thorough good work, yet sometimes goes off the edge. She makes mistakes and broad base accusations, and never backs down. Together with Robert, in the past - they aligned with suspicious European groups, never have they acknowledged it to be a mistake
- Zip is a catch-all blog trying to scoop and sensationalize with a wide readership. I suspect this situation will hurt the site. Though it seems the gods of technology are doing their part...
- I would hope that each will keep to his own self imposed non-paying job and continue doing this voluntary good work which they know and like
- I think some people live for these kind of moments: War! War! War! Not me.
- PS: Interesting that bloggers think Geller is toxic, yet Fox News can host her at Hannity's show?
- PPS: If Fox is supposedly fighting to keep Geller off the map, how come she gets an audience at Hannity?
- Final thought: I guess the worst kind of "political blogging", is the kind that is all "me... me... me...", he said this, he said that. Yea a blog is a personal thing, but it sounds too whiny.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Obama's DOJ in deep doodoo: Black Panthers case dismissal coverup and perjury
So many scandals, so little time:

* Dismissal of Black Panthers voter intimidation case
* Fast and Furious
* Black Panthers dismissal cover-up
* Fast and Furious cover-up
* Intimidation and punitive measures against whistle blowers
* Contempt of congress
* Illegal invocation of executive privilege
* Purging of education about radical Islam in FBI
* Nomination of CAIR and Muslim Brotherhood officials within departments (might be more relevant in homeland security than DOJ, except FBI is DOJ)
* Prosecution of Arizona for trying to fend off crime wave by illegal immigrants
* Prosecution of several states for trying to fend off voter fraud by requiring voter ID
* No charges against pal and former client Corzine
Holder and Obama are out of control.
Hotair reports: Did the DoJ lie about political interference in the New Black Panther Party dismissal?
The Blaze reports: Federal Court: Obama Appointees Interfered With Prosecution in New Black Panther Voter Intimidation Case

* Dismissal of Black Panthers voter intimidation case
* Fast and Furious
* Black Panthers dismissal cover-up
* Fast and Furious cover-up
* Intimidation and punitive measures against whistle blowers
* Contempt of congress
* Illegal invocation of executive privilege
* Purging of education about radical Islam in FBI
* Nomination of CAIR and Muslim Brotherhood officials within departments (might be more relevant in homeland security than DOJ, except FBI is DOJ)
* Prosecution of Arizona for trying to fend off crime wave by illegal immigrants
* Prosecution of several states for trying to fend off voter fraud by requiring voter ID
* No charges against pal and former client Corzine
Holder and Obama are out of control.
Hotair reports: Did the DoJ lie about political interference in the New Black Panther Party dismissal?
The Blaze reports: Federal Court: Obama Appointees Interfered With Prosecution in New Black Panther Voter Intimidation Case
Video: Elizabeth Warren wants America to be more like China
I wouldn't be too excited about this considering this is Massachusetts after all - where the murderer Kennedy kept getting reelected, it took the cataclysm of Obamacare to put a non Democrat in that seat. Heck, Barney Frank kept getting reelected there. Warren's campaign and message would have been decimated anywhere else where sanity prevails - however the polls still give her a good chance.
To a good extent, the situation with Warren is very comparable nationwide to the situation with Obama - where he can pretty much say and do anything against %80 of public opinion and still somehow come out leading the polls.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
There must be something wrong with politics junkies
The campaigns and PACs are spending trillions to put their ads on your TV. While you voluntarily click ahead on anything any campaign or fringe group produces.
Here's two for you to click on, click quick before it gets old and stale. Moldy...
I know I didn't build that...
Exit question, did Obama "build that" with his books?
Here's two for you to click on, click quick before it gets old and stale. Moldy...
I know I didn't build that...
Exit question, did Obama "build that" with his books?
Friday, July 20, 2012
One of those rare occasions
One of those rare occasions where I support torture. Not interrogation intentionally characteristic as torture by political hacks and MSM stenographers. No, in the case of deliberate, unmistakeable mass murderers - even if they are found to be insane - there's two things I find totally legitemate to apply:
1. Inhumane mid-evil torture
2. Death penalty
Yet with regards to item #2, I suggest viewing final destination movie series for relevant methods of executions.
1. Inhumane mid-evil torture
2. Death penalty
Yet with regards to item #2, I suggest viewing final destination movie series for relevant methods of executions.
Horrifying, Disgusting, Mass murder at Batman screening in Colorado
I know this site isn't where people would browse to get latest information. You probably have a lot of details from every other source out there.
I wanted to express my dismay.
Unfortunately, we all know this will lead to dear leader hold true to his mission to never let a crisis go un-exploited, and we know they have a mission against the 2nd amendment.
I wanted to express my dismay.
Unfortunately, we all know this will lead to dear leader hold true to his mission to never let a crisis go un-exploited, and we know they have a mission against the 2nd amendment.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Video, 1001 reasons to vote for Obama's 2nd term
Or, 1002 reasons to not have him in any position in the government in the first place.
Well, here's one more - whether he was born in Hawaii or not, why in the world are there so many flags raised around his social security number and the birth certificate he did produce (3 years into his presidency)?
Well, here's one more - whether he was born in Hawaii or not, why in the world are there so many flags raised around his social security number and the birth certificate he did produce (3 years into his presidency)?
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Your president is a communist, buy the book - tell your neighbor
This has gone from a satirical jest, an attempt to insult or be ironic, to the sad - horrific fact. President Obama is a communist, and the public is somehow so thick they can't really understand what his words mean. When he says "fundamental transformation" he means communism. Stop the catastrophe before it is too late, Leninist Obama is a dangerous man.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Why am I bummed about Obama's dishonest Bain and Felon attack campaign against Romney?
Why am I bummed about Obama's dishonest Bain and Felon attack campaign against Romney?

Quite simply, I fear that since the public would not heed the warnings in 2008 regarding Obama's connections to Wright and Ayers, did not see through his empty and vain "hope and change" campaign. Since the media acted as a propaganda arm of the Obama campaign then. Since all this had already happened, I'm not so confident the public would seek truth - and would drink the kool aid with a long squiggly straw again. Prove me wrongAmerica Ohio.

I'm pretty sure there's an Obama 2012 sticker on that car. And that it is in Ohio. Yep, that's what I think of people who consider voting for this catastrophe for a second term.

Quite simply, I fear that since the public would not heed the warnings in 2008 regarding Obama's connections to Wright and Ayers, did not see through his empty and vain "hope and change" campaign. Since the media acted as a propaganda arm of the Obama campaign then. Since all this had already happened, I'm not so confident the public would seek truth - and would drink the kool aid with a long squiggly straw again. Prove me wrong

I'm pretty sure there's an Obama 2012 sticker on that car. And that it is in Ohio. Yep, that's what I think of people who consider voting for this catastrophe for a second term.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy 4th of July
Yesterday, at the fireworks at Hudson Mills, during the 40 minutes fire-show, my 7 year old girl said "oh... I love you America"... I guess I did something right?

Thursday, June 28, 2012
A week of defeat for the right in SCOTUS
Major blows:
* Stolen Valor - douche bags can continue bragging of their false heroism
* AZ immigration 3/4 strike down, Obama admin picks and chooses which laws to impose, punishes AZ with lawlessness
And finally...
ObamaCare stands, mandate re-framed as tax. This should be called the "you are still alive tax".
Cradle to death tax system will work as follows:
a. You are alive, taxed under Obama-Care
b. You are employed, taxed under IRS, state income, medicare... etc
c. You are a job creator, you pay more taxes on employing people
d. You pay taxes, you need a real accountant to make any sense of it all - or you are the guy in the government in charge of IRS, and you use cheap software and avoid paying your dues
e. You die, the government wants your death-tax

Now everyone join an Obama rally and yell together "Four more years! Four more years!", what?! No one is shouting that? I hear crickets.

Roberts, a GW-Bush nominee - the vote that gave Obama his big win.
* Stolen Valor - douche bags can continue bragging of their false heroism
* AZ immigration 3/4 strike down, Obama admin picks and chooses which laws to impose, punishes AZ with lawlessness
And finally...
ObamaCare stands, mandate re-framed as tax. This should be called the "you are still alive tax".
Cradle to death tax system will work as follows:
a. You are alive, taxed under Obama-Care
b. You are employed, taxed under IRS, state income, medicare... etc
c. You are a job creator, you pay more taxes on employing people
d. You pay taxes, you need a real accountant to make any sense of it all - or you are the guy in the government in charge of IRS, and you use cheap software and avoid paying your dues
e. You die, the government wants your death-tax

Now everyone join an Obama rally and yell together "Four more years! Four more years!", what?! No one is shouting that? I hear crickets.

Roberts, a GW-Bush nominee - the vote that gave Obama his big win.
Monday, June 25, 2012
King Obama Decrees: Arizona Shall Be Punished by Lawlessness
Is this guy bound by the constitution or can the president really pick and choose which laws to apply, punish states as he wishes?
Is this a republic, a country governed by laws, constitution, separation of powers, where the supreme court has a say on laws - or have we really gone over the edge?!
Homeland Security suspends immigration agreements with Arizona police

Is this a republic, a country governed by laws, constitution, separation of powers, where the supreme court has a say on laws - or have we really gone over the edge?!
Homeland Security suspends immigration agreements with Arizona police

The Obama administration said Monday it is suspending existing agreements with Arizona police over enforcement of federal immigration laws, and said it has issued a directive telling federal authorities to decline many of the calls reporting illegal immigrants that the Homeland Security Department may get from Arizona police.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Juan Williams isn't too bright
This is not a photoshop, this really happened on live TV:
You have to watch the video to appreciate what is going on here. However, if this was a huge blog with a caption that! comment section, I'd start the thread with the following:
* Proof of Obama's transparency held up by moron lacky.
* Juan Williams wonders, what day is it? Did I remember to put on clothes before walking on set?
* The perfect deer in a headlight look you want from a liberal pundit who gets paid a lot of money to say really dumb things

You have to watch the video to appreciate what is going on here. However, if this was a huge blog with a caption that! comment section, I'd start the thread with the following:
* Proof of Obama's transparency held up by moron lacky.
* Juan Williams wonders, what day is it? Did I remember to put on clothes before walking on set?
* The perfect deer in a headlight look you want from a liberal pundit who gets paid a lot of money to say really dumb things
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Executive Power?! Fast, furious, and completely lacking integrity, Holder makes an offer making him look worse than before
King Obama to override constitution again: US attorney general asks White House to exert executive privilege over Fast and Furious documents
AG Holder should be put in jail for his shenanigans. Not only has he made it Cristal clear by his offer that he has intentionally withheld incriminating evidence, but he is also demanding that once he abides by the law and the subpena, no further investigation would take place.
To present an extreme analogy, he is acting like a murderer - who is willing to lead you to the body on the guarantee he would be exonerated. I'm not calling Holder a murderer, just the guy who facilitated numerous murders by Mexican cartels he was entrusted to defend this country against. He went beyond being a failed AG, to a potentially criminal offender.
After Issa and Holder Meet, Still No Documents, Contempt Charges Still Looming

And now criminal AG and King Obama are trying to extend "executive privilege" to withhold the truth. Because these two aren't serving the public, aren't abiding by the constitution, they are King and court Fool. How much worse can this administration get?
AG Holder should be put in jail for his shenanigans. Not only has he made it Cristal clear by his offer that he has intentionally withheld incriminating evidence, but he is also demanding that once he abides by the law and the subpena, no further investigation would take place.
To present an extreme analogy, he is acting like a murderer - who is willing to lead you to the body on the guarantee he would be exonerated. I'm not calling Holder a murderer, just the guy who facilitated numerous murders by Mexican cartels he was entrusted to defend this country against. He went beyond being a failed AG, to a potentially criminal offender.
After Issa and Holder Meet, Still No Documents, Contempt Charges Still Looming

The meeting between Attorney General Eric Holder and Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa has ended after 20 minutes of discussion. Holder came with an offer of a briefing on Fast and Furious documents, but did not physically turn over any documents. This is unsatisfactory to Issa who has said repeatedly that in order for Holder to avoid a contempt vote Wednesday at 10 AM, he must hand over 1300 Fast and Furious documents to the Committee.
And now criminal AG and King Obama are trying to extend "executive privilege" to withhold the truth. Because these two aren't serving the public, aren't abiding by the constitution, they are King and court Fool. How much worse can this administration get?
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Video: Classy Obama jokes about wife giving bj-s
How can Democrat politicians stoop any lower? Next he might come out of the closet as a communist... or - who knows what?
Via iOwnTheWorld.
Via iOwnTheWorld.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Fed up locals riot, attack illegal immigrants following string of violent crimes by illegals
In Israel, South Tel-Aviv has become a dangerous suburb of Africa - where so called refugees invaded and took over, and after several cases of rapes - the locals are rioting.
Demonstrators attack African migrants in South Tel Aviv

workers voters... Not that crimes perpetrated by illegals here are any less terrible.
Demonstrators attack African migrants in South Tel Aviv

Likud MK describes Sudanese migrants as cancer; government prepares for mass deportation.Unlike in the US, the Israeli government is planning mass deportation. Here in the US - it's more like a certain party really looks at illegal immigration as undocumented
Hundreds of demonstrators assembled in Tel Aviv's Hatikva neighborhood calling for the ousting of African migrant workers. Some people attacked people attacked Africans that passed by. Others smashed the windows of a grocery store serving the migrant worker community and looted it.
Another group of demonstrators stopped a shuttle taxi and searched for migrant workers among the passengers, while banging on the windows.
The crowd cried "The people want the Sudanese deported" and "infiltrators get out of our home." Miri Regev, a Likud Knesset Member said that "the Sudanese were a cancer in our body." 17 protesters were arrested.
The protesters expressed their dismay with the government's dealings with the "problem" of asylum seekers, especially with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Some people carried signs in support of Interior Minister Eli Yishai who called for the expulsion of the asylum seekers earlier this week.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Who's up for the government forcing you to eat your vegetables
We're the government, eat this green or ELSE! What a horrifying idea.
IOM advises government control in obesity fight

Uchh... brocolli.
First the government spends the country to an endless mountain of debt, then they take over healthcare, thus claiming that the reason health care is unaffordable and there's a mount of debt is because you the citizen are too fat. Now to save the country - they will force you to eat broccoli. Away with freedom. It's a nightmare, a man made horrific nightmare coming to life, fulfilling evil men schemes.
IOM advises government control in obesity fight
Uchh... brocolli.
he long arm of the law may extend further than you have ever imagined – right into your refrigerator - thanks to a new advisory report issued by the influential Institute of Medicine (IOM) today.
“America's obesity epidemic is so deeply rooted that it will take dramatic and systemic measures - from overhauling farm policies and zoning laws to, possibly, introducing a soda tax - to fix it.”– The Institute of Medicine
The report is a lengthy 478 pages detailing the concept that the obesity epidemic is beyond a lack of personal willpower and the government needs to step in.
First the government spends the country to an endless mountain of debt, then they take over healthcare, thus claiming that the reason health care is unaffordable and there's a mount of debt is because you the citizen are too fat. Now to save the country - they will force you to eat broccoli. Away with freedom. It's a nightmare, a man made horrific nightmare coming to life, fulfilling evil men schemes.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Obama cuts off water to Arizona town unless they resolve to horses to fix broken infrastructure
The loonies Obama put in charge don't just hate America, they must hate Americans to make these kind of calls.
Obama Administration Won’t Let Arizona Town Fix Water System Unless They Use Horses

Obama Administration Won’t Let Arizona Town Fix Water System Unless They Use Horses

The shortage developed because of the Monument Fire in 2011, which denuded the hillsides of vegetation. After the fire, record-breaking monsoon rains hit the region, triggering huge mudslides that left boulders the size of cars tumbling down hillsides.
The slides crushed Tombstone’s mountain spring waterlines and destroyed reservoirs for the town’s main water supply network.
“In some areas, Tombstone’s pipeline is under 12 feet of mud, rocks and other debris, while in other places, it is hanging in mid-air due to the ground being washed out from under it,” the institute reported.
However, instead of allowing repairs as has happened in the past, “federal bureaucrats are refusing to allow Tombstone to unearth its springs and restore its waterlines unless [city officials] jump through a lengthy permitting process that will require the city to use horses and hand tools to remove boulders the size of Volkswagens.”
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