Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Who's up for the government forcing you to eat your vegetables

We're the government, eat this green or ELSE! What a horrifying idea.

IOM advises government control in obesity fight

Uchh... brocolli.
he long arm of the law may extend further than you have ever imagined – right into your refrigerator - thanks to a new advisory report issued by the influential Institute of Medicine (IOM) today.

“America's obesity epidemic is so deeply rooted that it will take dramatic and systemic measures - from overhauling farm policies and zoning laws to, possibly, introducing a soda tax - to fix it.”– The Institute of Medicine

The report is a lengthy 478 pages detailing the concept that the obesity epidemic is beyond a lack of personal willpower and the government needs to step in.


First the government spends the country to an endless mountain of debt, then they take over healthcare, thus claiming that the reason health care is unaffordable and there's a mount of debt is because you the citizen are too fat. Now to save the country - they will force you to eat broccoli. Away with freedom. It's a nightmare, a man made horrific nightmare coming to life, fulfilling evil men schemes.

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