Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Executive Power?! Fast, furious, and completely lacking integrity, Holder makes an offer making him look worse than before

King Obama to override constitution again: US attorney general asks White House to exert executive privilege over Fast and Furious documents

AG Holder should be put in jail for his shenanigans. Not only has he made it Cristal clear by his offer that he has intentionally withheld incriminating evidence, but he is also demanding that once he abides by the law and the subpena, no further investigation would take place.

To present an extreme analogy, he is acting like a murderer - who is willing to lead you to the body on the guarantee he would be exonerated. I'm not calling Holder a murderer, just the guy who facilitated numerous murders by Mexican cartels he was entrusted to defend this country against. He went beyond being a failed AG, to a potentially criminal offender.

After Issa and Holder Meet, Still No Documents, Contempt Charges Still Looming

The meeting between Attorney General Eric Holder and Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa has ended after 20 minutes of discussion. Holder came with an offer of a briefing on Fast and Furious documents, but did not physically turn over any documents. This is unsatisfactory to Issa who has said repeatedly that in order for Holder to avoid a contempt vote Wednesday at 10 AM, he must hand over 1300 Fast and Furious documents to the Committee.

And now criminal AG and King Obama are trying to extend "executive privilege" to withhold the truth. Because these two aren't serving the public, aren't abiding by the constitution, they are King and court Fool. How much worse can this administration get?

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