Saturday, July 14, 2012

Why am I bummed about Obama's dishonest Bain and Felon attack campaign against Romney?

Why am I bummed about Obama's dishonest Bain and Felon attack campaign against Romney?

Quite simply, I fear that since the public would not heed the warnings in 2008 regarding Obama's connections to Wright and Ayers, did not see through his empty and vain "hope and change" campaign. Since the media acted as a propaganda arm of the Obama campaign then. Since all this had already happened, I'm not so confident the public would seek truth - and would drink the kool aid with a long squiggly straw again. Prove me wrong America Ohio.

I'm pretty sure there's an Obama 2012 sticker on that car. And that it is in Ohio. Yep, that's what I think of people who consider voting for this catastrophe for a second term.

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