Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Obama and RINOS: Take away mortgage deduction, raise taxes on everyone under 250k, raid personal savings and retirement plans

Insanity, can you say imminent backlash? It's not like I believed the real-estate market will come back any time soon, or over the next 10 years, but this will throw it into an even worse crisis. Most non-rich American families will immediately pay thousands of dollars more in taxes. Does Obama really think he could sneak this through and the public will accept it with glee?

Senate GOP showing flexibility in debt fight (msnbc, diverting anger at GOP - allow me to redirect: It's Obama and the DNC plan through and through)


The tax reform outline would set up three income tax rates — a bottom rate of 8-12 percent, a middle rate of 14-22 percent and top rate of 23-29 percent — to replace the current system, which has a bottom rate of 10 percent with five additional rates, topping out at 35 percent. It would reduce but not eliminate tax breaks on mortgage interest, higher-cost health plans, charitable deductions, retirement savings and families with children.


Retirement savings?! They're going to tax the tax-free savings?! This is daylight robbery of the personal property of the American people. Un-fricken-believable!

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